Friday, December 30, 2011

New Healing Powers Honey Bee Book Trailer Creating a Buzz

As the author of the Healing Powers book series, I have been given the opportunity to learn about some superfoods with amazing powers that have wowed me throughout more than a decade. It all began back in 1999. I was assigned my first book The Healing Powers of Vinegar. Then, several years after, OLIVE OIL, CHOCOLATE, HONEY, and COFFEE followed.
While I'm known as a "health author" -- these books have given me the opportunity to share  healing powers of healing foods and lively anecdotes (mine and others from around the globe) that will linger on your mind like a honey bee on a flower.
The best part is, I feel a sense of spirit has come alive with each of these books, one by one. And my favorite one is The Healing Powers of Honey. This creative new trailer created with heart and soul captures the essence of my book and my feelings about the beloved, hardworking honey bee.
Can you imagine a world without honey bees? Take a peek at the importance of this insect and what honey bees mean to mankind and our planet.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

NOW Available: Forecasts for 2012 in Oracle 20/20 Magazine

The olive branch and dove is symbolic of peace, noted in my book The Healing Powers of Olive Oil.
Early December I wrote my Earth Changes monthly column for Oracle 20/20 --and it's now up and published in the January 2012 issue. Every year I focus on forecasts for the year. This time around, like usual, I included quakes, weather, economy, healthcare, politics, and on the fringe predictions--you know, the weird stuff.
As an intuitive and phone psychic (I work as and advisor for two international networks) people know that I'm down to earth and tell it like it is. No sugar coating but I do leave my forecasts on an upbeat note and provide Plan A, B, C...
I realize now though that I left out the biggie: Peace. I want states, countries, the planet, and individuals to find peace.  But I know this is going to be a challenge during the turbulent year ahead. That symbolic dove has its work cut out for 2012.
Yes, I'm getting calls about unrequited love or "When will I find love?" but it's the scary money matters that affect callers, too. I know we haven't seen the worst to come. Change is in the air around the globe and it will be unsettling, especially for the middle class and people of all ages. 
Despite my forthcoming predictions in Oracle 20/20, I am seeing images of people struggling to capture inner peace by going with the flow or challenging facing their demons.  "Bring it on!"  
Get ready, whether it be for an earthquake, severe weather, money woes, shakeups in the workplace, and relationship changes. Fasten your seatbelts. Life's curve balls will occur, no ifs, ands or buts about it. But most importantly, don't be spooked--be prepared.  

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sweet Winter Contest: Win Chocolate Book & Chocolate Snowmen!

Two Chocolate Gifts for You!
'Tis the day before Christmas Eve and day after the first day of Winter. Chocolate is on my brain. Actually, during the holiday season through Easter chocolate is a big deal. Really big. I know this because it was discovered during my research for The Healing Powers of Chocolate (Kensington). Ah, those were the days when I received gourmet chocolate from around the globe on my doorstep via UPS.
Yeah, yeah, yeah (popular saying these days) I was in Chocolate Heaven every week, sometimes three times. I'm talking dark chocolate sea salt caramels from Fran's in Seattle to chocolate truffles from Ireland. Not to forget chocolate bars and bon bons from popular chocolatiers in California to New York and Florida to Chicago.
These days, it's coffee which isn't too shabby either. But chocolate is an awesome gift to give or receive. I chose these chocolate covered cookie snowmen from Enjou Chocolat. These cuties seem appropriate due to the snowfall in the Southwest/Midwest. Not so much here in the Sierra. It's 5 degrees and it will be a swim day/fire at night. Manmade snow at Heavenly for now. But I forecast significant snowstorms will follow in January and February.
Meanwhile, edible snowmen will have to suffice. And the chocolate? Well, it'll help boost those feel-good endorphins. Then, one day I'm certain a storm will come in, the white stuff will fall from the sky, shoveling will follow and walking the Brittany duo in knee high powder, and making a real snowman will happen. Till then, a book on the merits of chocolate and eating chocolate cookies is as good as it gets.  (Enter the contest on Foodie BlogRoll website and you just may win these goodies.)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Coffee Book is Percolating: A Beverage to Love

Today, I was informed that on January 3, 2012, my latest manuscript The Healing Powers of Coffee (July 31, Kensington) will be paying me a visit. Yep, it's editing time. During this phase of book production is work but less work than researching and writing. I put on my editor's hat and read my book with my left brain, not right (creative thinking). So, in two weeks I get to re-enter Coffeeland.
This afternoon I received a package of coffee samples: flavored java for the holidays. It makes my mornings. Imagine: Each a.m. you wake up and can try a new coffee. It's exciting and my new hobby, sort of. And yeah, I've kind of turned into a coffee snob in search of the best cup that's unforgettable.
What's more, today I got to see the cover of my coffee book. I truly adore it--it goes perfectly with the HEALING POWERS book series. (Also available at OneSpirit bookclubs including Good Cook, Quality Paperback, Mystery Guild, Crafters, and Literary Guild.) Now I wait just like when I anticipate a fresh brewed cup of coffee. I choose the beans, grind 'em and chill to savor the first and last taste of Joe wit promise of giving me a feel-good feeling and good flavor. Ah coffee--all types. What's not to love?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Intuitive Cal Orey Forecasted December '11 Ring of Fire Earthquake

A major quake hit in the Pacific Ring of Fire
On December 14, the Earth moved near the Indian Ocean region, as I predicted that it would. No tsunami. The depth of the shaker was too deep. When I forecast major quakes, it is calming to know that the area dodged a bullet. So, I was right when this region  in Papua New Guinea shook. The story is newsworthy and was picked up by major newspapers.
Last week I finished my 2012 forecasts for Oracle 20/20 Magazine, January issue. I cover quakes, weather, politics, economy, and on the fringe prediction. It's the shakers, though, that truly intrigue me. And this time around I predict my forecasts may be unsettling to some readers as they are for me but getting prepared is our best defense. As a down-to-earth intuitive (and phone psychic for two international networks) I call 'em as I see 'em and don't sugar coat what I see.
My Ring of Fire/near Indian Ocean major quake prediction was made on Earthquake Epicenter Forum. As it was cited in the article (link below the map above): "Strong earthquakes are relatively common in Papua New Guinea. The country lies on the "Ring of Fire" – an arc of earthquake and volcanic zones that stretches around the Pacific Rim." And, I based this forecast partially on the astrological fact that it's the time frame of Sagittarius--fire. And the long left ear tones and mention of Indian Ocean (and it's quietude) also were on my mind.

Re: 7.0+ Pacific Ring of Fire Now-Dec. 31
December 04, 2011, 11:03:21 AM
7.0+ (Maybe an 8.0)
Indian Ocean, Japan (near Tokyo, aftershock) are potential epis as well as the entire West Coast is vulnerable and ripe
Odds 70%
Based on intuition, time frame because of potential aftershocks for Japan and Indian Ocean is overdue...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Healing Powers of Chocolate Hits Kindle

By Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
Enjou Chocolat
Recently, I noticed that my book  The Healing Powers of Chocolate (Kensington) by Cal Orey is now offered in kindle format. That means that kindle folks can read about the amazing powers of chocolate ASAP!
Did you know?...
* Known as Mother Nature's "food of the gods," the medicinal benefits of chocolate were recognized as far back as 4000 years ago.
* Eating chocolate can help boost the immune systerm, lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes--even obesity!--and increase lifespan.
* A 1.5 ounce bar of quality chocolate has as much antioxidant power as a 5 ounce glass of wine--without the side effects of alcohol.
* Chocolate is full of mood-enhancing ingredients, including phenylethylamine (the "love drug") and serotonin.
* Chocolate can relieve a host of ailments, including depression, fatigue, pain and PMS, as well as up your sex drive!
So, imagine: You can enjoy The Healing Powers of Chocolate and savor chocolate bunnies and eggs during the spring season as you enjoy this one-of-a-kind book--wherever you are. Exploring the world of chocolate, Mediterranean-style, heart-healthy recipes, home cures, and beauty and anti-aging spa treatments is just a mouse click away! That's chocolate power in the high tech 21st century!
P.S. Want to peek at a yummy excerpt about the beauty of chocolate? How about coming along with me back in time to a Diary of a Chocolate Goddess? This is a real-life story of how I entered Chocolateland and indulged in a chocolate bubble bath at a high end spa! Ah, it was unforgettable.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Power Hour: California Author Dishes on Healing Powers Book Series

I dished out edgy info to Middle America about vinegars, olive oils, and honeys--the 21st century healthful salad dressings....and touted the healing powers of these versatile superfoods.
This morning at 5:00 AM PST, the alarm clock woke me up with rock music. Yes, no Siamese cat alarm today. I got up and brewed a fresh cup of flavored Nutmeg Coffee with a splash of organic milk. And, I walked back to my bedroom and climbed into my cozy oversized waterbed with my two Brittanys, and kitty. Then, at 6:00 AM I was wide-eyed and ready to be a guest on The Power Hour (December 6, Hour 2) with savvy radio talk show host Joyce Riley.
My books published by New York publisher Kensington were put on the table and we discussed the ins and outs of The Healing Powers of Vinegar, The Healing Powers of Olive Oil, and The Healing Powers of Honey. Ironically, tagged a health author it was my job today to dish out how superfoods vinegar, olive oil, and honey can and do keep you healthy and happy. But today I have a pesky flu bug. Read: I feel terrible.
Blame it on the grocery store checker who had the flu on the weekend as she shared her woes while bagging my groceries. (Think the film "Outbreak"-- I was infected.) It didn't help that after the shopping trip I brought in firewood: going in and out of 9 degree temps and 75 indoor climate, and swam/walked the dogs somewhere in between. Also, burning the candle from AM to PM, day after day, didn't do my body any good either.  This workerbee is not feeling like a Queen and desperately needs some R&R.
Anyhow, I'm kind of sensing the Midwestern audience knew that the down-to-earth West Coast guest was fighting aches and pains...Perhaps, my raspy words, here and there gave 'em a hint that I was feeling under the sunny Northern California weather. I did get some emails about my hard work and requests for fat-burning diets.
Actually, on a one to 10 Sickly Scale, I'm about a 7.5 today on Day 2. That's not too bad, right? Major sick, not Great sick. No, I'm not going to go swim and do a hot tub--but I want to. Bed rest, water, oranges, and bed rest is on the agenda. Type-A folks don't do rest well. Perhaps this is a lesson.  And yes, I will drink lots of hot chamomile tea with honey. I wonder if any doomsday films about viruses are on the sci-fi channel. Maybe that's not such a good idea right now. Perhaps a nice chick flick like "City of Angels" or "As Good As It Gets" will make me feel better.  And there are dogs in each one. Or maybe "You've Got Mail"--Meg Ryan's character gets a cold. Misery loves company.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Healing Powers Books Author Goes to the Dogs at B&N Signing in Reno

Author Cal Orey's Healing Powers books series B&N signing went to the dogs.
Last Friday I took a trip 50 miles away from Lake Tahoe to Reno, Nevada for a signing of my Healing Powers book series. As a reclusive author-intuitive, this was a big trip for me. But it's not like I haven't done the book tour thing at B&N bookstores before. I have experienced the West Coast book tour adventure--I have.
I've done lectures/signsing at B&N bookstores in Chico (college kids kept me up all night);  Seattle (amazing solo trip and fell in love with the mini SF); San Francisco (big audience with Geologist Jim Berkland); San Mateo (for my book Doctors' Orders but no docs arrived); Sacramento (big audience and my face turned red when reading); Glendale (bigger audience with Berkland and quake sensitives); and Palmdale (was on TV after the book signing); and many other B&N stores.
Sometimes, I've greeted a crowd of more than 40 people. Other times it was like a ghost bookstore. You never know what you're going to but you go with the flow. This time around last week it was Black Friday and the bookstore was buzzing with people and dogs. Yes, canines. Sure, my poster boasting The Healing Powers of Honey book teamed with a photo of my beloved Brittany Simon was next to me--and so were special dogs clad in a variety of human-type suits. So it was two hours of talking to locals about the powers of honey, vinegar, chocolate, and olive oil...
As I sipped a comped Pumpkin Latte I sort of wished my forthcoming coffee book (due to be released July 2012) was with me and my Healing Powers children. But I did get a sweet cuppa holiday java and enjoyed dangling conversations with two-leggers and four-leggers. Yep, the book signing went to the dogs.
I even had one woman put her Doxie in my lap. The pooch was clad in a Santa's suit. What can I say? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. It was fun despite I sold several books instead of dozens. And I admit I was happy to return to Tahoe's trees, lake, cool temps, and my Brittany duo whom I left at the kennel and Zen cat who held down the cabin for his reclusive mountain authoress who took a trip to the city.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Intuitive Forecasts Spooky Shakers on Coast to Coast AM

A Japan-type great earthquake may rock the West Coast.
--Cal Orey
Last night I was a guest on Coast to Coast AM. It was my job as a guest making a cameo appearance for a news segment to answer popular host George Noory's questions about the Japanese seismologist who was tagged a "nobody" due to his Japan earthquake predictions. Ironically, he was right. Both the 1995 Kobe quake and 9.0 great quake that rocked Japan on March 11 happened. To me, that man is a somebody.
There was so much I wanted to say. After all, I did pen the book The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes: Jim Berkland, Maverick Geologist. But in two New York minutes my words were short and sweet, sort of. After I explained why the Katsuhiko Isibashis in the world are dismissed for their seismic warnings, I surprised myself.
I dished out my own forecast (because that's what I do every day and night as a phone psychic for two international networks). It was a bit early (I pen an annual Earth Changes Forecasts article for Oracle 20/20 Magazine every January) but it was the right time. My right brain (the creative thoughts without logical thinking) was on a roll, so to speak, so I called it as I saw it. And yes, logic does follow. Caveat: I hope I'm wrong on this one, though. One more thing. Today, a strong quake hit Japan.  The earthquake near the East Coast of Honshu was upgraded to a 6.1. That spooked me.  Is it foreshadow of what's to come?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Warning: The Honey Bee Vanishing Affects You & Our Planet

If the honey bees become extinct our food chain, mankind, and
Earth will end as we know it.
5 Questions:
Where Have All the Honey Bees Gone?
Q. Colony Collapse Disorder was excluded as a cause of the dead bees in the Florida incident. So, what exactly is this term?
A. Back in 2006, an apiary owner in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, made the problem known. Penn State researchers took note of the bee colony decline, due to a condition now known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). This condition causes honey bee colonies to simply vanish without a trace—go AWOL leaving their hives in the dust—lending to eerie images of The Happening and I Am Legend sci-fi films of human and animal extinction.
Q. What are some of the theories behind CCD?
A. Theories include climate change, diet, mites, pesticides, and viruses. Also, the stress of traveling for pollination of crops and the usage of cell phones (perhaps due to the radiation), chemtrails, and even changes in the Earth's magnetic field are in the mixed bag of possibilities for why the bees are vanishing and leaving their beekeepers out of work and shocked by losing half or more of their prized colonies to an unknown cause.
Q. How will the die-off of the honey bee affect our food chain?
A. Millions of acres of U.S. fruit, vegetable, oilseed, and legume crops depend on insect pollination—and that includes the sacred honey bees. This little insect gives human gifts from the hive but also helps pollinate our crops (one-third), home gardens, and wildlife habitat. And don’t forget most beef and dairy products enjoyed in the United States count on insect-pollinated legumes, such as alfalfa and clover. Worse, if the bee disappears our food chain would decline in diversity and quantity, and images of the futuristic doomsday films without fresh food like Soylent Green and The Road could become a grave reality.
Q. What are scientists doing about CCD?
A. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is trying to help get a handle on Colony Collapse Disorder. In 2010 it dished out $6 million in emergency assistance to beekeepers who had lost their bees. And scientists are busy at work trying to discover what exactly is causing the vanishing of honey bees.
California bee expert Dr. Eric Mussen of UC Davis says, “None of us know why the bees are not as vital as they used to be. In many cases this may be due to limited access to a good varied supply of pollens.” He hopes in our lifetime scientists will discover what is killing the honey bees. “But,” he adds, “even if we find the cause, will we be able to overcome it?”

Q. What can you do to help keep the honey bee alive and well?
A. Devote a portion of your property to growing annual and perennial plants the bloom consecutively over the whole season that honey bees are collecting nectar and pollens for food. Reduce the pesticides of all kinds to a minimum. In areas with extended dry periods, supply fresh water in a way so that visiting bees don’t become a nuisance.
Consider donating funds to bee researchers around the country who are trying to determine the cause of CCD and what can be done to bolster the bee populations. 
Support honey bee research at UC Davis:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Are You Eating "Mystery" Honey--Or the Pure Golden Food?

To Be 100 Percent Pure Honey--Or Not?
--By Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
News headlines continue to show us that the honey we buy may not be pure. In my new book The Healing Powers of Honey: A Complete Guide to Nature's Remarkable Nectar! (Kensington, October 2011), I note that people in the honey bee world, know that the honey they see in some grocery stores and dollar stores may not be 100 percent pure but instead be "adulterated" (contaminated with tainted elements).
This fact is upsetting to people because not only are we not getting what we pay for, but we also are being duped, as often the honey is tainted with unhealthful, cheaper ingredients. This ordeal is making the nes more rather than less and it's causing concern for both consumers and beekeeers.
All-natural, 100 percent pure honey will have one ingredients listed on the nutrition label: honey. Imitation honeys, much like quality imitation dark chocolate, are not a laughing matter in the real world. Honey-flavored syrups, or honey that's diluted with other ingredients, are becoming more commonplace and being sold to the unaware consumer. To be sure you get the pure golden food of the gods, check the label.  Don't get stung! Find out all you want to know and more in The Healing Powers of Honey.  (Source: National Honey Board.)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Author Unveils Sweet Secrets Behind New Honey Book

Superfood honey can be used to sweeten up a homemade
pumpkin or sweet potato pie for the upcoming holidays.
--Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
1.    Cal tell us a little bit about your background? I'm an author-Intuitive…known for the internationally popular Healing Powers book series.
2.    When did you get interested in the healing power of foods? Since a teen back in the 70s I was a “granola girl.” I ate fruits/vegetables/yogurt. It was “in” to be lean and fit. So I was and still am a “health nut.” I was going to be a nutritionist but ended up getting my master’s degree in English (Creative Writing).
3.  I understand you have written several other healing power books? The Healing Powers Book Series began back in 1999 when I penned The Healing Powers of Vinegar. The rest is history. Several years later, the book was a success. Olive oil, chocolate, and honey followed.
4.    Your book draws on interviews with medical doctors, beekeepers, and researchers about the positive effects of honey? Yes, I did go to the “experts” who know about how honey and honey bees…and they told me how this superfood which has been used since biblical times can heal via health improvements to home cures. Also, I met a  beekeeper and his queen Italian bees…and I spoke with beekeepers around the globe.  I interviewed the editor of Bee Culture Magazine (The Healing Powers of Honey received a positive review in the October issue) about trends of city hobbyist bee keepers to CCD—the mysterious vanishing and die-off of bees with an unknown cause. And I got to taste straight from the hive… honeycomb. A hexagon structure made from beeswax by honey bees to hold honey.
5.    Tell us what makes honey so healthy? It’s got vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting antioxidants (molecules in superfoods like fruits/vegetables) that can stall Father Time and enhance the immune system and  keep our cells healthy.
6.    How many honey varieties are there? Hundreds…more than 300 in U.S. from different floral sources. I got up close and  intimate with more than 30…we’re talking different flavors from different sources.The darker varieties are the healthiest…a bit of a challenge for the palate: manuka to buckwheat---which are commonly used in health and honey studies. My faves are sage, wildflower, white honey from Hawaii, pumpkin, blackberry--and orange blossom. Once you taste the varietals there's no going back to one honey flavor.
7.    Are there major differences between raw honey and the commercial varieties? Yes, raw is healthier but mass market varieties still have benefits, too.  The real, raw, unprocessed, unheated, unfiltered kind of honey that you get straight from the hive—honeycomb—is the real deal with the good for you antioxidants. Think pure ACV, quality dark cocoa.
8.    What are some short-term health benefits of consuming honey? Home cures: I've turned to honey for sore throat, allergies, cough, cuts, anxiety, stress, fatigue, and it can even boost libido! What's more, manuka honey--found in Australia and New Zealand--is simply amazing for its healing perks. If you have a cut, like I did on my foot, it can heal it in days, thanks to honey's super amazing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits.
9.    You say honey can help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, increase longevity and even reduce boy fat and unwanted weight? Indeed… If you stay clear of the big diseases…you’ll up the odds of living longer. And honey can help stave off the major life-threatening diseases because of its different compounds. I show studies with humans (not just lab rats) in my honey book how it works to back up this fact.
10.   You say pure, raw, unprocessed honey is a healthier sweetener than table sugar and high fructose corn syrup? You get only empty nutrition with white table sugar…HFCS is controversial but I stay clear from it--found in fruit juice drinks to processed foods. Honey contains dozens of different substances (minerals, vitamins, antioxidants) which makes it more like a fruit than sugar. Sugar and HFCS are simpler compounds containing only glucose and fructose, honey is more of a “functional or superfood”—because of its compounds.
11. How many calories typically per teaspoon? 21--a dieter's dream. And just a spoonful will provide energy to get a move on and boost your metabolism as well as curb that sweet tooth so you're not tempted to overeat sweets that are laden with saturated fat, calories, and added sugar. 
12. How much Honey do you recommend people eat daily or weekly? 5 teaspoons/8teaspoons women/men. (None for babies younger than one year old.)
13. How can you use honey in your beauty routine? It’s used in DIY recipes/store bought beauty products/top-notch spa treatments. I use all types to help keep my hair and skin healthy. I was treated to a honey bath at a plush European-style hotel and the story is unforgettable. My skin felt so smooth.
14.   What kind of recipes are there in your book? Scrumptious recipes that'll wow you. The book was purchased by The Good Cook Book Club. Spa chefs/honey companies (big and small) provided many recipes including Honey Biscotti, Bee Breakfast Smoothie, Honey Poppy Seed Salad Dressing, Honey Glazed Hen, Honey Berries with Lime Pound Cake, and Sweet Potato Pie. Wholesome, down-to-earth ingredients are used--mostly from the Mediterranean diet--are used. I'm talking whole grains, nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables, dark chocolate, and olive oil as a primary fat.
 15. What easy ways can our listeners use honey in their everyday lives? Use a teaspoon of honey in tea/coffee daily and/or drizzle on fresh fruit or whole grain bread to get a double punch of antioxidants.
The Healing Powers of Honey (Kensington, October 2011) by Cal Orey is available at  online bookstores including and , local bookstores, OneSpirit bookclubs, and other popular grocery stores including Walmart, Smiths, and Target.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Author-Intuitive Cal Orey Foretells on The Mancow Show

Monday morning wake-up predictions with Mancow about what's buzzworthy in the future.
--Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
Up early at 4:30 AM to make a guest cameo appearance on The Mancow Show. I thought I was going to talk about "oddest phobias" (Friday 13th, sleeping, money) but no. As an intuitive I sensed I'd be tossed a curve ball.  Really, well sort of. 
As a phone psychic for two international phone networks, I dish out readings on cue. Today, Mancow asked for one. Yikes. On the spot I reacted like a cat not ready or willing to perform tricks. Funny, he asked me to "read" him...I drew a blank. I said: "You drank coffee." (I was right.) I then added: "Fuzzy like a eight ball. Try again."
Weird, I can read anyone...Perhaps it was the audience vibe or his strong energy like a fire sign. Yet he is a water/air cuspie. (Very odd. I was blocked but when doing phone readings it comes easily. I felt static like a radio station couldn't get a signal.)
The Mancow did recall my past on-air past prediction for a strong quake in the midwest this year which did hit big-time over the weekend--and 280 miles east is the New Madrid Zone (the seven states shook).
This time around he asked me how I do it--predictions. I said it is a "gift" -- "comes to me like writing." I, the writer labeled "author" added, "Right brain, creative." And then came the predictions, per the popular host's request...
* 2012 will be "like a rollercoaster."
* Presidential election will be crazy.
* If you thought 2011 quakes were scary, 2012 will be super spooky. I'm feeling West Coast and/or America--we've been lucky for the most part so far.
* Dec. 21 will not be the end but "Fasten your seat belts" for the upcoming year.
 One more thing. I forecast Obama will be re-elected--but I didn't mention it on air so here it is, whether we like it or not. 

And then I disappeared like Glenda the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz. Poof. I wanted to pour another cup of java (Gingerbread/Columbian) and since I was up I signed onto the psychic networks. The phone rang when I was half asleep. No problem. It was a question about a job and friend. A shake-up and stress-related illness(es). It was an easy read, like usual.  Mancow? Probably off- air reading him could be a piece of coffee cake with a cuppa coffee (or two).  And now the phone is ringing..."Intuitive Callie."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Intuitive Cal Orey Forecasted Midwest 5.6 Quake...and More

In Oracle 20/20 Magazine, January 2011 issue, Cal Orey predicted a strong shaker in the Midwest/New Madrid Zone that would be felt in several states for 2011. -- Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
Yesterday when Oklahoma began to get some shakers, back to back, I posted on my site Earthquake Epicenter Forum that a swarm was happening. "What's up?" Hours later, a registered 5.2 (upgraded to a 5.6) quake hit Oklahoma. I had noted Missouri and Arkansas in my forecast. (AR and MO are on the east). And these two states did get a whole lotta shaking. But there's more...

This strong earthquake was widely felt in the several states of the New Madrid Zone (as I had forecasted would happen). I'm talking Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, Missouri, and probably the three other states, too. Reports of feeling it to the USGS are backed up. It stopped at 56,000 plus.
Folks on EEC site are wondering "What's going on?"As an intuitive, I say: "The New Madrid Zone is waking up." I know, I know, OK is not in the Zone but...that is where the epi was (nothing new but stronger than before in this and last century). What's more, it was felt there back in 1811/1812 when the New Madrid Great Quakes happened--and could be affected again if and "if" this quake triggers a stronger shaker east--in the New Madrid Fault Zone. 
And history does and can repeat itself. The question is--"Is the Midwest going to have a sequel to the great quakes of the 19th century?" It's possible. When? If you want a time frame I'll say any time from now through 2012.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Going Abroad Sierra-Style

By Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
It snowed yesterday in the Sierra. I have this love-hate relationship with the cold weather. It really wasn't much of a storm, perhaps foreshadow of the white powder to come. Still, my weather forecast for the Fall till late December is nothing to write home about. We may get a few more storms but that will mean slush and rain with temperatures in the low digits at lake level. I can do that. (See Callie in hooded turtleneck sweater, hooded sweatshirt, jeans, mittens, Sorels, neck scarf, ski the character by the fireplace in the library in the film "The Day After Tomorrow.")
As a city girl, I have to say I miss the culture, people, malls, bistros, and weather of the SF Bay Area. Ah, the fog and overcast. Not sure why I get the moving bug during this time of year--but I do.
Also, it seems like everyone I know is going to Europe: Geologist Jim Berkland is in Portugal (or in the process of getting there); another acquaintance is talking abroad; and someone just got back from Spain.
Meanwhile, I go to the resort pool/hot tub and talk to the straggling tourists (it's off season) and get a bit of culture vicariously through them. And there is the Psychic Power Network  and Psychics Forever where I can read the callers calling from different countries. It's a quick fix of going abroad, sort of. (It helps if I'm sipping exotic tea or coffee.)
Perhaps I am meant to stay in my Tahoe rustic cabin, making a crackling fire (I did it last night; my first one of the season), cuddle up with Zen (my Siamese love kitty) and my Brittany duo, and watch Julia in "Eat, Pray, Love".... This lifestyle is in the stars for me, for now. So, chilling and creating articles about Earth Changes, food, and honey to being a guest on radio shows to spread the word about my new book The Healing Powers of Honey (Kensington)--next week I will be doing it in Italy--is as good as it gets. Maybe I should learn Spanish. Or not. Hola. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Author Cal Orey is a Spokeshuman for Honey Bees

Honey bees pollinate our favorite superfoods--strawberries; and alfalfa--what cows eat. Imagine a world without berries and organic milk... --Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet

I have a strange bond with the hardworking honey bee. Yep, the honey bee works double shift: This insect makes honey and pollinates our crops--one third of the food we eat. Recently, and in the upcoming weeks, I like the honey bee, am working during the days promoting my books and nights I put on my phone psychic hat and dish out readings for two-leggers.
As an author of the new book The Healing Powers of Honey (Kensington, October 2011) I've been spreading the word about honey. Yesterday morning I was up at 7:30 AM and a guest on KSFO Bob Tanem In the Garden Show.  (He noted I am "Type A"--like a worker bee.) Callers called in to talk about the honey bee, its well being to its demise, thanks to colony collapse disorder (CCD) -- a mystery when bees leave their hives and vanish. Speaking of disappearing, my article "The Vanishing Honey Bee" (online, page 26) was published today in the November issue of Oracle 20/20 Magazine. What's more, come November 12, I'm flying to Italy (via phone) to carry on the buzz about the bees. I'll be the beelady on Beyond the Matrix.

Oddly, while my book is about the health perks of honey, it's the honey bee that's upstaging the liquid gold. Why? Because the bee pollinates our grub. We're talking fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts, and cocoa--yes, chocolate!  And me, now a self-professed spokeshumanoid for my kindred spirits, the honey bees, is spreading the word about the importance of this creature. Oh, and on November 26, I will be at Barnes and Noble bookstore in Reno--for more talk about the amazing bee-healthy benefits of the honey bee. Still pondering if I should wear my honey bee garb. Or not. I feel like I'm morphing into a bee the way Seth did in the unforgettable film The Fly
Whew! I need a cup of chamomile tea and honey to chill. It's a task working night and day. As I sit here in my study with a hive-like feel to it--solo--I'm sensing I was a queen bee in a past life. But hey, I can live with that. Winter is coming. (Honey bees huddle up to keep warm and share honey amongst them. Like the bees, I'll cozy up and enjoy two dog/one cat nights throughout the colder months ahead. And the pantry is stocked with honeys--all kinds.)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sweeten Up Your Life: Win The New Honey Book on the Block

Get the buzz on honey and the honey bee!
--Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
Very odd how I fell into the world of cooking and baking. Well, maybe not so strange. At different stages of my life I have been found in the kitchen--not following directions and like a mad scientist experimenting with ingredients. And now, it's unbelievable but I am one of thousands who are members of Foodie Blogroll and there are treats...
Ironically, as I sit here writing and watching "Food Network"'s "Chopped" I gobble up all the competition, especially when the chefs get flustered and are critiqued by the judges. I flunked the baking contest in junior high. My Boston Cream Pie got kudos from but the Mocha Yule Log was the winner. I survived, sort of. But I felt bad (like the contestants on "Food Network" do win the other chef wins). The winner's prize cake looked store bought. It was perfect. My homemade entry was lopsided (just a tad) but it was a complicated dessert with decadent layers.
Tomorrow, "What's Cookin' at Callie's Cabin" is in the Friday edition of Tahoe Daily Tribune, like it is every Friday. What's more, I dream of shifting gears and opening up a Mediterranean bistro in a coastal town. How weird is that? It's not happening in the winter of 2012 as I can see images of my cabin buried in the Tahoe snow--and two dog nights.
Meanwhile, Foodie Blogroll is offering my new book The Healing Powers of Honey (published by Kensington and purchased by OneSpirit bookclubs including The Good Cook Book Club) to 8 winners, one a week. Other foodie bloggers are simply paying it forward and mentioning my book on Twitter, Facebook, or their blog. (You can do that, too, on Facebook: Just type in Cal Orey and scroll down to see my post Sweet November.)
All this food chat has got me thinking food. As the temperatures drop, the appetite soars. But if you're savvy, you can still eat your fave fall edibles and stay lean and happy. True, I did munch on salt water taffy (last night but my excuse was pre-Northern California quake jitters). Tonight I'm thinking semi-homemade Apple Turnovers with a taste of the whimsical wildflower honey. Or maybe Cranberry Croissants with notes of orange blossom honey. The kitchen is calling out to me. And I do have a pantry stuffed with honeys from around the globe (yes, each one has a long shelf life). Honey power! What about Gingerbread with a Lemon Honey Glaze?

I Forecasted the 4.7 Sierra Shaker...and So Did My Cat Zen

The Earth moved tonight...and my cat Zen sensed it coming... 
Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
Tonight my Siamese mix cat Zen was meowing nonstop, much like prior to the recent San Francisco temblors. This breed is a talker...and I should have known. I forgot my recent forecast on the website Earthquake Epicenter Forum as well as the one in Oracle 20/20 magazine for this year for this region,  a moderate to strong temblor near Truckee and/or Reno noted to be felt throughout Northern CA--which it was.
Next time Zen vocalizes I promise to be more compassionate. I ended up mimicking him and meowing back but it didn't help. Nor did food or cuddling. Nothing mattered Mr. Meower until the Earth moved.
Worse, I have a headache. Now, this can mean more shaking is on its way or it's just a headache. On the upside, kitty is sleeping sound next to me. And so it goes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lake Tahoe Gets the Big Chill: Fall Weather Forecast

Here comes the bittersweet cold. -- Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
It's late October and I'm just about to bring in the firewood to make and enjoy the first fire of the autumn season. The thing is, once you go there there is no turning back. The gas heat has kicked on and I've put on the storm windows for added warmth. Yep, it's the beginning of cold weather days. This week the temperatures are dropping into the teens.  It's here. The big chill has arrived.
FALL WEATHER FORECAST: On the upside, my weather forecast: I'm holding my ground. I made this prediction a month ago on Earthquake Epicenter Forum. It will be a warmer fall than normal for the Sierra. Much toastier than 2010. No significant snowstorms this year. We'll talk winter of 2012 come December when I create my annual Earth changes forecast.
However, in December we may get one nice snowstorm with the white powder above 7000 ft. Lake level will have the slush or slain...Read: No mega shoveling. Black ice. And some flooding? Count on it.
Meanwhile, it's time to make a casserole and bake honey bread, bring out the flannel sheets, and anticipate the awesome crackling, warm fire throughout the night and into the morning. Ah, that means a quick clean of the firesplace and bringing in the wood. Perhaps the first fire in my cabin will be made October 26, the day of the New Moon. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Author-Intuitive Forecasted Major Turkey Quake

In January I forecasted a major temblor would rock Turkey in 2011.
 --Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
Back in December 2010, I penned my monthly Earth Changes column for Oracle 20/20 magazine (online and hard copy; in "older entries below magazines shown"). I included the forecast of a Turkey and/or Greece major quake would happen in 2011. And when I woke up yesterday and saw the headlines on CNN and the Internet it hit home...
As a survivor of the 7.1 World Series Earthquake on October 17, 1989, I know what it's like to feel the Earth move and it feels like the world may be ending. Fleeing to the door, I fell before it was over and was frightened beyond words. Fifteen minutes seemed like eternity.
After the shaking stopped, the San Francisco Bay Area was greeted with strong aftershocks for days and weeks that followed.  And deaths occurrred, too. "Is the BIG ONE coming?" haunted people who endured the deadly earthquake that rumbled through the Bay Area. Because in reality, a great earthquake is an 8.0 (like the 1906 Great San Francisco Earthquake); a 7.0 is considered "major." However, due to a variety of factors (depth of quake to faulty infrastructure) a major shaker can be deadly (i.e., Haiti) and the intensity can be sci-fi film strong--a time when people can and do panic, flee to the streets, and buildings collapse.
Speaking of scary movies, The Final Destination comes to mind. That is the film where the teen gets visions of disasters that occur, one after one. It's a "gift" to be a "psychic" (yes, I do work as one on two international psychic networks) but as they say--it's also a "curse." My heart goes out to all that have been affected by Mother Nature's wrath. I get it. And that enables me, like other quake survivors, to be able to empathize with the chilling after effects.
One fellow intuitive on Earthquake Epicenter Forum did some research about the odds of my forecast for this Turkey earthquake to occur this year and he said it had a 10 percent chance of happening. There will be no "congrats!" on this one, nor do I want that. But it is an unsettling feeling to forecast a natural disaster and see it unfold in front of your eyes on the news...and to hear that "270+ dead in 7.2 magnitude earthquake" is eerie and unsettling. So, the fact remains yes, my 2011 major Turkey earthquake forecast came true. But I wish it hadn't.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Autumn Quakes, Pumpkins, & the Honey Book Buzz

'Tis the time for autumn heaven. -- Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet
It's the day after yesterday--the big red letter date when the world as we know it was supposed to end, according to Harold Camping's doomsday forecast. I created an anti-prediction on my website Earthquake Epicenter Forum that while the Earth could move with a noteworthy shaker near October 21 (and it did twice in the San Francisco Bay Area--the night before--and a 7.4 hit near Tonga on the day)--life would continue. And here I am with pumpkin on the brain.
Autumn Days in the Sierra. If you live at Lake Tahoe or visit during this time of off-season you'd feel fall. The autumn colors are gold, orange, red, and brown. Wood piles are seen in yards. But we're having an Indian Summer and the temps are warm during the day. (I swam yesterday and it was heavenly.) But looking ahead we're going to experience a cold spell (low in the teens) next week. So, my first fire is nearing.
Baking is on my mind. That includes pumpkin pie (I will wait till November), pumpkin scones, muffins, bread, and fudge--all included with sweet honey. There's something about pumpkin that is addictive. All this pumpkin chat is creating a craving for pumpkin seeds. Maybe I'll buy a pumpkin and make the seeds myself. Or not.
Computers and Rice.  After the computer fiasco last Friday evening (my Brittany duo dumped a water bottle on my laptop), tonight I am getting used to my new machine. And the drowned one? Well, maybe putting it in a bed of rice helped dried it out. I will know next week from the tech. It may have seen its last days and the world for the last time. The cranberry and rice pudding provided some comfort but the cost of purchasing a new computer when my casualty was not even a year old is heartbreaking.
The Healing Powers of Honey. And so here I sit thinking about my new book The Healing Powers of Honey (published by Kensington). It's making a buzz like a honey bee flying flower to flower. It's offered on FoodieBlogroll (a contest); I'll be a guest on San Francisco's KSFO come October 30; a piece about the vanishing honey bee in Oracle 20-20 magazine, November issue; Donna Seebo will interview me via her radio show on November 2; a book signing at Barnes and Noble in Reno will see me the day after Turkey Day; an excerpt about my visit to a beekeeper in the Tahoe Daily Tribune; And so it goes. Pumpkins and a honey bee book.  Did I mention I love fall despite its ups and downs?
UPDATE: I wrote this blog post before I got the news of the 7.2 Eastern Turkey earthquake. (I forecasted a major earthquake would happen in Turkey and/or Greece in 2011. It was printed in the January issue of Oracle 20-20 magazine , Earth Changes column--see older entries link on website.)  My heart goes out to all affected by Mother Nature's wrath.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Imagine a World without Chocolate & Strawberries... Save the Honey Bee!

Surprise! The honey bee pollinates strawberries and cocoa.
Can you imagine a world without chocolate and strawberries?  Did you know that our crops depend on the beekeepers and small honey bee in a big way? Millions of acres of U.S. fruit, vegetable, oilseed, and legume crops depend on insect pollination--and that includes the sacred honey bees. This little insect gives human gifts from the hive but also helps pollinate our crops, home gardens, and wildlife habitat.
It's been estimated by the USDA that 80 percent of insect crop pollination is done by hardworking honey bees. If you do the math, that means one-third of the total human diet comes from insect-pollinated plants, including fruit, legumes, and vegetables--all the good, healthful stuff that you and I love--like chocolate covered strawberries  created and available by Enjou Chocolat.
But despite the need for the honey bee--who works a double shift with making honey and pollinating crops--there is a megaglitch that is becoming a growing problem: The honey bee population is declining.
While you enjoy chocolate and strawberries, consider donating funds to researchers around the country who are trying to determine the causes of Colony Collapse Disorder and what can be done to bolster the bee population. (More information in chapter 16 "And the Bees' Buzz Goes On...")"in the new book The Healing Powers of Honey by Cal Orey, published by Kensington Publishing Corp.)
One more thing... Cooking and baking with chocolate and fruit--and sweet honey--is healthful and scrumptious. I can't envision a world without these good-for-you foods. Can you? Meanwhile, there are dozens of recipes in The Healing Powers of Chocolate and The Healing Powers of Honey to show you how sweet it is now while the honey bees are buzzing in the U.S. and around the globe.
(Photo courtesy of Enjou Chocolat.)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Buzzworthys Cure for Springtime Allergies

Cures From Your Kitchen:
Seasonal Allergies Bee-Gone!
'Tis the season when allergies, colds, coughs and flus hit households around the globe. Living at Lake Tahoe is a treat during autumn but...this year while Indian Summer is welcomed, the ups and downs of temperatures are wreaking havoc on my body. Walking in a snow flurry last week and gardening in the sunshine this afternoon is enough to make anyone feel a bit out of whack. But honey comes to the rescue!
As the author of the book The Healing Powers of Honey (October 2011, Kensington Publishing Corp., ) I forgot about this sweet home remedy that is good for the body and spirit --as I note in both The Healing Powers of Chocolate and The Healing Powers of Honey books.  That's right, by turning to immune-boosting, antioxidant-rich chocolate, you may find your own allergy symptoms, from hay fever to seasonal-change woes, may stop in their tracks--rain, slush, snow or shine.
The truth is, I've been too busy fighting allergy symptoms that I forgot about home sweet cures like chocolate and honey Blame it on the new season and oh, oh, oh--the two shedding dogs and cat. Hairs, hairs, hairs everywhere. My black T-shirts and sweaters look like a white bunny rabbit's fur. Two weeks ago, I paid a visit to my doctor. My eyes were red, itchy, runny, and oh-so puffy! Not to forget the post-nasal drip and sneezing--not fun. And today, my throat is sore and voice is raspy. It's time for this honey book author to practice what she preaches and take her own sweet ancient cure, straight from the hive.
Allergies (Stop Seasonal Misery): Dealing with a runny nose, and coughing can ruin an indoor and outdoor event, thanks to seasononal pollen. Every year when the yellow pollen arrives in the spring like an uninvited visitor at Lake Tahoe I hold a tissue in one hand and am on the phone to a pharmacist with the other. I am always on a mission to find the natural remedy to stop my sniffles.
What Honey Rx to Use: Try eating a tablsepoon of locally produced honey. Proponents of honey tell me that your immune system will get used to the local pollen in it (it should be withing a 50-mile radius from where you live).
Why You'll Bee Happy: If you have mild allergies, honey may enhance the immune system to build up a better arsenal against airborne allergens. Honey enthusiasts like D.C. Jarvis, M.D., believe honeycomb is excellent for treating breathing problems. The honey prescription, according to him, was chewing honeycomb, which may line the entire breathing tract... "Vermont folk medicine uses honeycomb as a desensitizing agent; from the results obtained by its use it appears to be anti-allergic in its action," notes the good doctor who gives credit to the honey bees.
Beekeepers tell me that honey may help allergies linked to trees and ragweed--the culprit in hay fever and its irritating symptoms during spring and autumn months. So, as beekeepers are workerbee busy at work selling local honey to allergy sufferers, like me (and maybe you, too), I am busy including all types of honey in my diet becasue I want to be covered. And if honey can help me cope with congestion and pesky sniffles, I'm in. While further research is needed, I'm not going to wait for scientists to go to their lab rats for a go-ahead. More honey, please.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Honey Bee Decline: Is The Honeymoon Over?

"The honey bee population is declining."
In my new book The Healing Powers of Honey (October 2011, Kensington Publishing Corp.), I noted in chapter 1, bees make honey and work double shift as key pollinators for mankind. Did you know that our crops depend on the beekeepers and small honey bee in a big way? Millions of acres of U.S. Fruit, vegetable, oilseed, and legume crops depend on insect pollination--and that includes the sacred honey bees. This little insect gives humans gifts (from health to beauty and eco-friendly uses) from the hive but also helps pollinate our crops, home gardens, and wildlife habitat.
But despite the need for the honey bee--there is a megaglitch that is becoming a growing problem: The honey bee population is declining... In the upcoming weeks, I'll be a guest on talks shows such as Michael Quinsey's Connecting the Light in the UK,  a program in Italy, and KSFO in the SF Bay Area (October 30, Sunday at 7:30 AM, PST) to dish out what's going on with our honey bees gone AWOL.
It's no secret. Beekeepers across America are witnessing the mysterious die-offs of bee colonies. Back in 2006, an apiary owner in Pennsylvania, made the problem known. Penn State rsearchers took notes of the bee colony numbers' decline, due to a condition now known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). This deadly disorder causes honey bee colonies (50,000 to 60,000 bees in one) to vanish without a trace--leading to The Happening and I Am Legend images of thriller sci-fi films of human and animal extinction.
And in my book on honey and the honey bee I devote  an entire chapter to this intriguing topic and I will continue to expound on the frightening phenomenon about the latest theories behind CCD--and what's happening today. Top scientists to beekeepers shared with me their take on the spooky demise of the little honey bee and what it may mean for us in the big picture.
Update: Millions of Floridian honey bees die. Pesticides? Poison?  CCD is not suspected to be the cause.
[Excerpt The Healing Powers of Honey]; By Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet