Friday, May 31, 2024

June is National Iced Tea Month!

  By Cal Orey

Welcome to my two favorite books in the (Healing Powers Series). I waited 20 years to tackle this project--the topic of tea: One that was fun to research and write. The stories, legends, recipes, and exclusive interviews with tea gurus makes it a perfect tea-mania gift book that keeps on giving year-round...

UPDATE: The Healing Powers of Tea and Honey continue to attract readers on a variety of online bookseller websites, including amazon, barnes and noble, walmart, kobo, apple, and google.  
And Honey--a new format--was released in June--National Iced Tea Month--and is available in audiobook. Sweet stories to warm your heart and soul plus take you around the nation and Canada!

The Healing Powers of Honey: The Healthy and Green Choice to Sweeten Packed with Immune-Boosting Antioxidants 

Part of: Healing Powers (7 Books)

Also, it has been translated in Estonia; is available in more than 200 libraries; carried the popular, prestigious Fairmont Hotel in Victoria, B.C., Canada tea room gift shop (both The Healing Powers of Tea and The Healing Powers of Honey); and an elegant health resort shop at Cal-a-Vie in Southern California. 
And the TEA book has received a bestseller banner on kobo and barnes and noble websites. Plus, at one Barnes and Noble book signing in Reno (followed the famous Stephen King's appearance a week prior) the new book sold out before I, the author arrived! So, I took a box of books with Aussie in tow and drove over the mountain in a snowstorm to deliver The Healing Powers of Tea.

Monday, May 27, 2024

More than just writing -- CAL OREY


Cal Orey

Cal Orey, M.A. is an author and non-fiction novelist. Her books include the Healing Powers Series (Vinegar, Olive Oil, Chocolate, Honey, Coffee, Tea, Superfoods, Essential Oils, Herbs and Spices) published by Kensington. (The collection has been featured by the Good Cook Book Club.) Orey’s new book is Soulmates with Paws. 

Granola Girl’s Healing Power’s Series: A Treasure Chest of Goodness

Are there any classic novels that you only recently read for the first time?

Well, it’s not a “classic” but it is a bestseller and I finally read it. I savored the short and oh so sweet, tuesdays with Morrie. As a ghostwriter I was told by the client that this is the kind of vibe he wanted for the non-fiction novel I wrote for him. 

The end is a bittersweet one. I was promised co-author credit. The client fibbed and my name is not on the book. I did pen The Healing Powers of Tea, and tea plays a big role in his book. So in my heart I know it’s my baby.

You’re organizing a party. Which two authors, dead or alive, do you invite? 

I would love to host John Steinbeck. He input his emotion into his work. And, of course, Travels with Charley is one of my favorites books. When I was in my early twenties, I left Northern California and hitched and hiked with my dog in search of America. Steinbeck was my mentor, my teacher, my hero. 

Next up for tea and scones, would be Stephen King. I would love to hear him tell a spooky tale. One late winter, I drove from Lake Tahoe to Reno for a book signing. He was there a week prior. It was a hard act to follow. But I got a call from the manager a day before my event. She said, “I don’t know how to tell you this but all of your books sold out.” So, I took my beloved Brittany and we ended up bringing more books to the bookstore. 

Who are your favorite writers? Are there any who aren’t as widely known as they should be, whom you’d recommend in particular? 

The trio of authors I chose for my oral exams in grad school are still my favorite writers. So, it’s John Steinbeck, Edward Albee (I was going to be a playwright), and George Elliot who had a sensitive husband who trashed her bad reviews. (My professors did approve of the master. However, they said they hoped I became an author—not a literature teacher.)

What do you read when you’re working on a book? And what kind of reading do you avoid while writing?

I read books and articles related to my chosen topic. I make a point of it to choose a different angle, style, and turn the subject matter upside down—this way it’s all mine. I stay clear of novels because it’s too distracting and takes me out of the zone.

What moves you most in a work of literature? 

When the author reveals the inner self and isn’t timid to share feelings—that is what makes me laugh or cry.

What genres do you especially enjoy reading? 

My favorite genres include Sci-Fi, Romance, and Adventure.

What book are you planning to read next? 

I’m too busy writing. I will not be reading but writing Book 2: Soulmates with Paws: A Collection of Tales & Tails.

What books and authors have impacted your writing career? 

Anne Rice taught a class at San Francisco State University—and she was amazingly real. Rice told us when we write we should pretend to disrobe and share ourselves without inhibitions. And that’s just what I do.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tea and Honey for Spring...June is National Iced Tea Month

 Tea(s) with Your Honey...

For centuries, people all around the world have enjoyed the simple, soothing pleasures of a good cup of tea with a good teaspoon of honey, and nowadays there is more reason to so do. Tea(s)—all kinds--especially with honey, but together they pack a punch of nutritional and health benefits. 
         Medical doctors, nutritionists, scientists and beekeepers are now confirming what healers have been saying for since biblical times—teas and honeys have a variety of healing powers.
          Here are my favorite tea and honey marriages—but there are infinite combinations for both you and me to try. There is no right or wrong combination and what’s sweet to you makes honey-tea beverages a sweet sip.

1. Black Tea: 
 The first tea I was introduced to was basic black tea—which does contain caffeine—and I have enjoyed it plain but realized it did need a sweet flavor boost to it.  Also, Earl Grey and English breakfast teas (perfect for an Irish breakfast, complete with fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, and scones) are part of the Black Tea group.
Best Honey Matches:  Basswood has a distinct flavor that I’ve used in plain yogurt for a rich flavor and it can give black tea a kick, too. Sourwood boasts a caramel taste that can make a common black tea come to life with taste. Earl Grey teams well with avocado, blueberry, and eucalyptus honeys, too. It’s more exotic and exciting than just a simple all-purpose clover honey that comes without pleasant surprises.
2. Green Tea:  Touted for its wide array of health virtues, this Asian tea does contain caffeine, like black tea, but not as much. It’s an acquired taste and that’s where honey comes into play so you can get the best of taste and nutritional benefits. 
Best Honey Matches:  Blueberry honey has a fruity taste which can give a nice kick to green tea, not the most flavorful tea.  Sage honey is mild, a California favorite of mine that brings out the best of green tea.
3.  Fruit Tea—Welcome to lemon, orange, rose hips, and apple teas. These fruity teas are sweet and sometimes tart, which call for a honey sidekick.
Best Honey Matches:  Mild flavored honeys such as sage and alfalfa brings out the best in fruit teas because it doesn’t overpower the fruity taste but maintains the integrity of the fruit flavor.
 4. Herbal Tea—Herbal teas come from a variety of plants other than the tea plant. They are made from the leaves, berries, flowers, fruits and bark of herbs and spices.
Although most herbal teas do not contain the antioxidant properties of real tea, they do possess other good-for-you compounds that can enhance your health and well-being. There is a wide range of herbal teas, including ginseng, cinnamon, licorice, and mint.
Rooibos (roy-boss) is the “new” herbal tea on the block—that is often called “Red Tea.” Like green and black teas, this tea contains antioxidants that make it heart-healthy and immune-enhancing—and it’s caffeine free.
Best Honey Matches: Teaming earthy and warm herbal teas go well with a mild alfalfa, clover, orange blossom, and sage honeys—common honeys that complement distinct herbal flavors. 
5. Oolong Tea—This tea, popular in Asian countries, contains health perks of both black and green teas. A robust flavored-tea that can have a sweet taste lends to different honeys. 
Best Honey Matches: Oolong, not a tea familiar to me, was easy to try with a friendly California orange blossom honey with its citrusy sweet taste. Another oolong mate is tupelo honey its light amber color and herbal, fruity flavors.
6. White Tea—And last but not least welcome to this pale tea. Found in China it is believed to rank number one for its antioxidants. It’s a bit sweet and mellow. It’s the new tea on the block for tea lovers.
Best Honey Matches:  Fireweed honey is light colored and smooth, like white tea—the two complement each other. Wildflower, one of my favorite mild honeys also goes nicely with white tea.
            As a devout tea drinker, I believe your choice of honey and tea is a personal choice—like pairing dark chocolate with different fruits, herbs and spices. The selection also depends on the season to your mood. But popular and friendly honeys, such as clover and orange blossom are suitable any time, any place because they are not too strong and will not overpower teas—all types—and you can’t go wrong for yourself or if you’re serving other people.
Excerpt: From The Healing Powers of Honey and Tea books by Cal Orey, published by Kensington Books, mass market format 2018. All rights reserved.
UPDATE: GIFT BOOK take a peek inside! The Healing Powers of Tea and The Healing Powers of Honey will be available in audiobook format June 28!

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Healing Powers of Superfoods (from the top Mediterranean diet)

  Shared by Cal Orey

GIFT BOOK--The Healing Powers of Superfoods 

 20 Most Surprising

Superfoods for Amazing Health!

Eggs, fish oil, butter, coconut oil . . . one minute they’re good for you and the next they’re not. Food fads make it tough to know what’s truly healthy. Eat it, don’t eat it. It helps, no wait, it doesn’t help.

Medical doctors and researchers are constantly making new discoveries about food that change conventional thinking.

With so much conflicting science, how do you know which foods really have incredible healing powers?

End the confusion once and for all
with The Healing Powers of Superfoods.

Written by Cal Orey, author of the bestselling Healing Powers of Honey, this blockbuster new book is based on the latest scientific studies showing dozens of surprising superfoods and juices you never knew could help you get healthy and stay healthy — even cheese, chocolate, and ice cream!

The Healing Powers of Superfoods reveals the NEW top 20 superfoods which are loaded with antioxidants, polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, and minerals and vitamins with powerful immune-boosting and disease-preventing properties.

If you want to outsmart heart disease, cognitive
decline, or even lung troubles without giving up
your favorite foods . . . this is the book for you.

Contrary to popular belief, superfoods aren’t just for health nuts. They’re for everyone who wants to enjoy a healthier heart, a stronger brain, clear lungs and sinuses, lower cholesterol, and reduced pain — as well as give the boot to colds and flu, soothe dry skin, feel more energized, and live longer.

One of the most important things you can do with the NEW Top 20 superfoods: Boost your immunity. A balanced immune system is essential to living a healthy life.

Inside this 316-page bible of superfoods you’ll discover the top 20 nutrient-dense foods that are delicious to eat and easy to find at your favorite supermarket. These new superfoods are many of the classic foods you love and they deliver big health benefits that can help you:

  • Boost your immune system
  • Support a healthy heart
  • Build strong bones
  • Strengthen your cognitive health
  • Maintain healthy blood sugar
  • Power up your energy
  • Fight fat
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower the risk of heart disease
  • Slow the aging process
  • Promote healthy vision
  • Ease anxiety and stress

If foods like acai, maca, or garlic come to mind when you hear the word “superfood,” you’re in for a surprise! While these superfoods are nutritionally dense and good for your health . . .

The Secret to a Long, Healthy Life
Is Sitting on Your Grocery Shelf

There are loads of other, lesser-known taste-tempting, belly-filling foods with the power to restore health, wellness, and energy to the body. There are even foods that have been on your plate all along — you just didn’t know they were nutrient-dense.

Take gelato and shellfish — once considered too fatty or too high in cholesterol and sodium, they’ve been determined to be good for you and they taste great. They’re today’s “new” superfoods! Shrimp alone have 17 grams of protein and almost one-third the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D — an important vitamin millions of people are lacking. You need all the “D” you can get for strong bones and teeth.

You know those potatoes you serve up as a side with a juicy steak or your favorite chicken dish? Surprise — they’re immunity-boosting powerhouses!

Not just fat-free and a great source of potassium for your heart health, these super spuds are also packed with vitamin A, a powerful immune booster. Medical researchers also believe this potato can boost white blood cell activity, which is key to warding off certain cancers.

All of the details you need about super taters — including some great ways to use them in recipes — are on page 104 of your FREE BOOK.

Guess what? A food doesn’t have to be
perfectly “clean” to be a superfood.

Think about how you enjoy that big bowl of decadent gelato. So creamy and smooth, yet this sweet treat has less fat and more natural ingredients than ice cream.

Add some of this yummy chocolate or any of the great mix-in suggestions on page 63 and it’s like you went to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard swirled with your favorite mix-ins — only better because it’s healthier!

Best of all when you start adding other nutrient-dense foods to superfoods, you instantly increase the health benefits. The Healing Powers of Superfoods gives you all kinds of ideas for blending and stacking superfoods for the healthiest options.

Now don’t give ice cream the boot, because
America’s favorite frozen delight not only builds
strong bones — it supercharges your brain.

Ice cream contains calcium for bone-building and protein for strong muscles and teeth. Know what else? Vanilla ice cream is good for the brain! When you get your FREE COPY of The Healing Powers of Superfoods, turn to page 63 to see the secret super mineral in vanilla ice cream that enhances brain function. Belgian researchers using MRI testing found ice cream even diminishes the brain’s response to sadness.

Do you like apples or peanut butter? They’re super delicious superfoods, too. Apples aren’t just great for weight loss, they lower your bad cholesterol (LDL), protecting against heart attack and stroke.

See page 28 of your FREE BOOK to see which apples pack the most powerful punch. Be sure to try the Super Heart Healthy Cinna-Apple Smoothie on page 29.

Do these look like SUPERFOODS to you?
Take a closer look.

When University of Scranton researcher Joe Vinson, Ph.D., was asked what foods he’d pick if he were stranded on a desert island for two weeks, he chose nuts, peanut butter, orange juice, and wine. Since wine is rich in resveratrol, it could help prevent blood clots from years of eating French fries and bacon.

Rather skip the wine? There’s a great juice alternative on page 141. This superjuice not only helps lower cholesterol but may reduce the risk of cancer, too. It’s all in The Healing Powers of Superfoods.

Eggs can keep you out of the cardiologist’s office, too.

Two studies of 40,000 men and women published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed eating eggs in moderation may be good for your heart. Scientists found absolutely NO LINK to heart disease in healthy test subjects who ate an egg every day. But . . .

You must know which part of the egg to eat for the biggest health benefit — and it’s not what you think or what you’ve been told. An “eggstrordinary” secret on page 55 will show you how to get the biggest bang for your heart health from eggs.

Surprising superfood of the year:
Lobster Mac and Cheese for weight loss!

You’re going to think, “This is too decadent to be good for me, right?” Nope! This amazing recipe uses a secret type of pasta studies show fills you up and slims you down. Parmesan swirled with a bit of butter, pasta, tomatoes, creamy half-and-half, fresh basil. Mmm, mouthwatering! Get the recipe on page 286 of your FREE BOOK! Hurry, get your FREE COPY while supplies last.

These superfoods could help halt everything
from heart disease, cancer, and
flu to obesity, anxiety, and depression.


Power up your immune system with this surprising breakfast food!

Turn to page 71 of your FREE BOOK to find out!


Eat pizza, beat heart disease.

See how on page 91.


Lower bad cholesterol with super chicken!

Turkey works, too. Try the moist and meaty Super Vitalizing Turkey Salad on page 100.


Breathe easier — eat tomatoes.

Got asthma? Tomatoes open up airways and detox the body. Page 213


Crunchy French Toast and Berries

Healthy never looked or tasted so good! Recipe on page 151 of your FREE BOOK.

During flu season or a major health crisis, it’s more critical than ever you feed your body superfoods to shield against invaders. The more superfoods you pile on your plate over the course of a day, the better.

And learning about which superfoods to eat doesn’t have to be difficult. Everything you need to know is inside The Healing Powers of Superfoods. Through this special offer, you can get a copy of this blockbuster book absolutely FREE! Click here to claim your FREE BOOK.

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s waiting for you inside of The Healing Powers of Superfoods:

  • Lower your risk of cancer and heart disease with pizza! Italian researchers found the secret in the sauce. Page 92
  • See cholesterol levels you can love at your next checkup. Eat more of this family favorite which also helps you stay trim and feel calm. Page 97
  • Lower your blood pressure, stave off colds and flu, AND lose weight with . . . potatoes? That’s right! Discover which 2 “super spuds” are best on page 104.
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease and power up your brain health with sweet, creamy, and crunchy Peanut Butter Fudge. Recipes on page 248
  • Flatten your belly and banish bloat fast with watermelon — a natural diuretic! Try the quick Melon Salad on page 135.
  • Tired, fatigued, and need energy? Eat this once-forbidden sweet treat turned superfood — it gives you the added benefit of boosting brain power. Page 63
  • Need a sweetener? Forget honey or brown sugar — reach for antioxidant-rich maple syrup! Studies show maple can enhance the immune system for fewer colds and flu. WAIT! You must use THIS maple syrup to reap the health benefits. Page 73
  • Avoid dental bills — keep your teeth and gums healthy with this vitamin C-packed fruit. Hint: it’s NOT oranges! Page 159
  • Calm anxiety and frayed nerves with this Thanksgiving favorite. It helps your body make mood-boosting serotonin. Page 97
  • Bounce back from jet lag! Drink a glass of water infused with this citrus and eat a handful of this superfood. You get a big energy boost from the carbs combined with magnesium and selenium. Page 198.

The Healing Powers of Superfoods is packed cover-to-cover with hundreds of ways to incorporate superfoods into your life to help you address whatever health issues you face: depression, dizziness, insomnia, kidney stones, blisters, UTIs, asthma, anemia, allergies, pain, and many others.

You get 50+ delicious, nutritious recipes for everything from Pesto Pizza, Dark Chocolate Gelato, and Cheesy Quiche to ricotta-rich Cannelloni steeped in garlic and herbs and Super Immunity Enhancing Chilled Sweet Potato Soup with Maple-Smoked Chili Sauce on page 105.

There are even thirst-quenching recipes for drinks and smoothies. Be sure to try the new twist on green drinks which tastes great! You can’t go wrong with sweet Honeycrisp apples blended with cinnamon, honey, and a touch of kale. Page 188.

PLUS, this treasure trove of healing
superfoods book also contains:

Lower your blood pressure — say CHEESE, please!

All this time you thought cheese was a no-no. Cheese is loaded with heart healthy calcium to help lower your blood pressure — and your risk of heart disease and stroke. Page 41

Wait until you try the gooey Cheese and Cranberry Dip on page 35.

A sensational blend of melted Brie, wine, garlic, and cranberries tempts your taste buds.

  • 50 home remedies you can zip together in your kitchen for everything from building strong immunity to dealing with gingivitis, heartburn, depression, constipation, kidney stones, infection, and other health concerns.
  • Top 10 “skinny superfoods” scientifically shown to fill you up, not out!
  • 5 simple rules for losing weight like a champ.
  • Perfectly pampering beautifying recipes for shiny, healthy hair, glowing skin, soft elbows and feet, and more. Super Beautifying Cantaloupe Smoothie, anyone? See page 224
  • Household helpers for cleaning stubborn rust, removing gum from carpets, and making your house smell fresh and clean.

Whether you want to up your health game, have committed to start eating healthier, already eat healthy and are seeking out the latest and greatest superfoods, or you want to go from bland and boring to tasty and delicious with all NEW recipes . . . The Healing Powers of Superfoods is for you!

This groundbreaking new book is also perfect for anyone who wants to benefit from healthier options in their life, whether cooking, cleaning, dieting, or beautifying. There’s something for everyone!

Claim your FREE COPY today. All we ask is that you pick up the small shipping and handling fee of $4.95. Wait, there are more things you’re going to love . . .