2023 Forecasts
The year of 2022 will go down in history books as a rough ride around the world. We had action and adventure. There were quakes, twisters, hurricanes, wildfires causing dangerous air and lake quality. Extreme climate change effects to man-made disasters will happen again in 2023. Count on it...
As the New Year rolls in we unfortunately will be in Mercury Retrograde until mid-month. Some famous prophets predicted this year would frightening—and it may feel that way since some happenings may get worse.
The drought, air quality, toxic waterways, famine, challenges of crops and inflation affecting our food will not go away.
It will be a New Year and new thinking is going to help us get through it, one day at a time. So, dear readers, it is again a time of resourcefulness. Put together a healthy emergency pantry and a go bag for people and pets in case you have to escape or live with nature’s wrath, whether you’re near the coast, mountains, cities, or countryside. Yes, it’s going to be another year of living on the edge of the unknown chock-full of twists and turns like a roller coaster.
Tremors and More Tremors
* Okay, the San Andreas fault zone did move like I predicted it would. In the fall, there was a notable 5.1 earthquake that rattled nerves for folks in the San Francisco Bay Area. In fact, there’s been quite a few minor but noteworthy shakers in both the East and South Bay. But no Big One yet. However, due to the rain and snow in the fall (we’re still in a drought on the West Coast) it could help trigger more stronger earthquakes.
* Looking at hazardous regions on a USGS map the normal earthquake areas are shaded risky. These places include up and down the West Coast, Sierra Nevada, the New Madrid Zone, southern Alaska, and The Big Island, Hawaii.
*Alaska, especially near Anchorage, may experience a major earthquake as it did a few years ago. Since this state is noteworthy of its earthquakes it wouldn’t be shocking.
*In 2022, on November 21, a 5.5 in Greece triggered tsunami fears. It’s possible Italy is up next to rock and roll in 2023 and a great earthquake could happen.
*Indeed the Pacific Ring of Fire was on a roll last year and will likely be the region where at least one great earthquake occurs in 2023. Japan could have a repeat of March 2011which included a fatal tsunami.
Northern California ShakeAlert! This Is Not a Drill! On December 20 when most people were in bed at 2:34 A.M. Tuesday, a 6.4 strong earthquake near Ferndale shook parts of Northern California. The shaker was about 15 to 20 seconds—
frightening to many people who reported the event. The end result: At least two deaths, at least a dozen people injured, and more than 70,000 folks were left without power. There was infrastructure damage, a road closure, and plenty of objects fell and broke…
A news headline read “Humboldt earthquake alert warned 3M people in California, Oregon”. The ShakeAlert on cell phones say five warning words “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” and gave people about 10 seconds to prepare for the Earth to move. Dozens of aftershocks followed and there is a chance it was a foreshock. The Northern California earthquake is in both The Ring of Fire and Cascadian Subduction Zone known for deadly earthquakes.
Rain and Snow
As Earth changes continue to shock us, in 2023, according to the experts, a drought in the West and Southwest is not over. In mid-December the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California announced a drought emergency. And dams, reservoirs, and rivers are drying up. Ironically, in December 2022, the northern and southern regions of the Golden State got rain, flash floods, flooding, and mudslides. The Sierra Nevada did enjoy several feet of snow—but the snowpack, report experts, is a “drop in the bucket.” In 2023 water rationing will continue. The lack of water, especially in Southern California, will be a challenge as it will be in central California—the place where our crops are grown and used to be plentiful. UPDATE: Miss on snowfall in the Golden State. It turned out to be an epic snow year--from 15 ft. berms, snowed-in in San Bernadino, roof collapses in South Lake Tahoe (grocery stores! closed)...California is no longer in a severe drought. A few regions moderate drought lakes, river, reservoirs are full to the brim. Warning: If springmelt is too quick destructive flooding will happen and affect Central California and crops (even more than it has already). That means higher prices or lack of produce supply for the U.S.

Still, talk of a Sacramento mega flood, like in the 1800s, continues and people are warned to keep their flood insurance. If the temperatures warm up throughout the West Coast there could be some flash floods and flooding in January and the springtime. If this occurs Washington, Oregon, and California will experience coastal erosion, lost homes, and past wildfire burn regions are vulnerable.
Speaking of rain, the Deep South states will face flooding and tornadoes. The states most affected may include Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida. Coastal regions and their people should be prepared.
Hurricanes and Wildfires
Hurricanes will happen and in 2023 history may repeat itself. One of the Hawaiian Islands could be in danger as well as Florida and the Gulf States. The Atlantic seaboard folks may be boarding up and hunkering down. The Carolinas may be two states facing action and adventure.
Wildfire season is now an annual happening – and unhealthy air quality is affecting all of the West. Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and California are coping with smoky skies especially during summertime. In the winter, prescribed burns, and fireplace smoke causes more toxic skies. People in these regions are getting used to fleeing for a wildfire vacation to find clean air and/or living indoors with air purifiers.
Climate Change and Immune System
Not unlike 2022, climate change and immune system challenges will be ongoing. During the winter masking up will be recommended to stay well—but it will not be mandated. As we try and find normalcy since COVID-19, new culprits will lurk around us wherever we go.
During the end of 2022, the “tripledemic” (flu, respiratory syncytial virus, and COVID) is wreaking havoc on our hospitals and people. While we thought the pandemic was over now, we’re dealing with other bugs. And yes, traveling like we did in 2019 but now in cramped airplanes and other transportation can help spread contagious illnesses. What’s more, due to climate change and strange weather we can expect more not less turbulence on flights.
Both illness and extreme weather affects health, the workplace and our food chain and will continue to rise prices. Some produce will be less than more, and some foods will be difficult if not impossible to get.
The good news is people will be forced to be more thoughtful with their diet. Buying nutrient-dense fare, fortified cereals to milk, will help people to get nutrients to stay healthier and leaner. This, in turn, means we can boost our immune system, naturally with a better lifestyle.
Because of climate change a plant-based diet will become more popular but more difficult to get because the cost will be pricey. It will take thought and resourcefulness to get fresh fruit and vegetables. People who can grow their own gardens will be blessed. Those people who can afford to pay ten dollars for a few apples will be lucky. And then there are some of us who have the time to forage for apples and oranges at different stores and may score healthy superfoods.
Pesky Planets
So, to add craziness to this New Year, don’t forget Mercury Retrograde. It happens three times in 2023. Be mindful during these periods. Consider not making travel plans, big changes during these periods. Mercury Retrograde times aren’t always a terrible curse, but it can be.
The planet Mercury Retrograde dates to mark on your 2023 are: 29 December 2022 – 18 January 2023 in Capricorn; April 21. 2023 – 14 May 2023 in Taurus; August 23, 2023 – September 15, 2023, in Virgo; and December 13, 2023 – January 1. 2024 in Sagittarius.
Often arguments, high stress, and anxiety during moving or new jobs can happen during Mercury Retrograde--but not always. If you’ve planned on something big and you absolutely cannot change the time it happens it’s a time to be aware and stay safe as possible.
Soulmates with Paws for 2023
Without doubt, people in Ukraine to America and around the globe will be cuddling up to four-leggers. The global pandemic and lockdowns of 2020 resulted in an upsurge of animal adoptions… people were seeking the emotional support and affection that a companion animal can bring.
Homeless pets and their people are a timeless phenomenon. Due to inflation (and recession), displaced families facing financial and physical disasters, will feel scared and lonely. But our companion animals will help us stay strong and survive during the worst of times.
It’s the year of inhaling and exhaling because more challenges are coming. Some folks believe the end days are near, others choose to live life in the moment and tune out the media hype. Learning to go with the flow in 2023—and being prepared for anything is going to be the name of the game. Your mantra: Stay safe.
Nostradamus’ 2023 Sci-Fi Visions
What did the French astrologer Nostradamus see for the New Year? Well, some visions in the prophet’s quatrains are scary. On the upside, “Nosty” has been wrong. .Epidemics will increase. I agree with epidemics continuing as we experience viruses mutating, a flu bug spreading, and other contagious diseases affecting people of all ages. Famine may soar. Due to factories and farms being affected by shutdowns and exportation due to illness, inflation, and climate change, lack of food is happening.· Detonation of a nuclear weapon. It is possible a weapon of destruction may be used and affect some European countries that will make climate change and resources worse.· Migratory problems. People all over the world are moving due to terrorism, war, famine, and climate change. People in Mexico, Ukrainians, Europeans, and the West Coast locals of California to Washington are relocating to survive.