Meanwhile, a 3.6 hit the SF Bay Area (as I noted it would do in an email to the show's producer before it happened) last night before midnight. On my blog post below this one I noted I needed peanut brittle yesterday (like popcorn to chill before shakers) and sure enough a 4.2 hit this a.m. south of Lake Tahoe, my home. Note to self: Zen cat is seismically sensitive and wouldn't get off me last night. Good kitty.
So, on air I predicted that CA will be next for a major quake by the end of the year. And right now while Easterners are freaking out I'm sensing we may see a ping pong effect in our Golden State like we did in June 2005 after the 7.2 Offshore NorCal...
And lastly, I did predict a category 5 hurricane would hit the Atlantic Seaboard/Gulf States during the season...on both The Mancow Show and Oracle 20-20 Magazine I forecasted this puppy and it's now a category 3 and headed toward the East Coast this weekend. I need a cup of comforting coffee. Second thought, a cup of chamomile tea. I hope I can find peanut brittle on my quest somewhere in this resort town sometime today.
One more thing: While I predicted CA is next for a major quake--the entire West Coast from AK to South of the Border is not immune.
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