Fast forward to this morning when Colorado got its 5.3 (not unusual for CO to rock but a quake of this magnitude is a bit odd). So, at 9:19 I posted on my quake forum website that I sensed a trigger effect was in the works for the East and noted the New Madrid Zone... This afternoon, short after 1:00 pm, a 5.9 (downgraded to a 5.8) rocked Virginia, near Washington, D.C. And, thousands of USGS felt reports rolled in, including people feeling the earth move in 22 states--Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennesse (New Madrid states).
So, did I get a "hit" with my prediction? Sort of. I did sense a trigger effect--and that's what happened back in Dec. 2004. An 8.1 hit three days prior to the great quake and big wave; and more events elsewhere after. Today, I did mention the word "east" and I did note New Madrid states. But that's not all...
On July 18, I was a guest on The Mancow Show and I dished out predictions. One: A category 5 Hurricane on the Atlantic Seaboard (maybe the Gulf States); a major West Coast quake; a financial meltdown/Recession Sequel; no end of world on Oct. 21, as Harold Camping forecasted his extended end of days prediction.
Tomorrow morning at 5:15 a.m. PST I'm going to be a guest, once again, on The Mancow Show. I know what I know and sadly, when I pass out more predictions I do hope I'm wrong. It's kind of like being in those sci-fi films like "Knowing" -- and they spook me. Worse, I'm really craving crunchy peanut brittle (it's a 21st century version of volcano predictor King's popcorn effect before an earthquake)--and there is none to be found at Lake Tahoe.
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