The pandemic is in a new phase now. It's gone political big-time. People are divided more than ever. Half are protesting. "Freedom!" and they are tuning out the medical experts like Dr. Fauci. They're wanting to dump the savvy 1, 2, 3 guidelines and go back outside, go to work, and go back to our pre-pandemic days. Right...
The deal is, it's too soon! Today, 41,000 deaths in the U.S. and 3/4 million are infected. This is not "fear mongering" or "fake news"--it's the real deal. I've wasted my day trying to convince people to not be hasty. Chill. Why do we want to run not walk into a lethal second wave? One mega lockdown is enough. We're not there yet. But people are being led down the wrong path.
My God. People who run grocery stores, big and small, are considering not allowing folks inside to do their own food shopping. Why? Because grocery store workers are getting infected and dying! Governors get it. Well, some do. Concerts, golf tournaments, schools not ready to reopen and act like life is normal. Life is not anywhere normal. Yet we have protesters shouting, "Freedom!" Huh? Hello. We are in a mega pandemic and states, many states have not peaked. Translation: More deaths are coming to you soon.
Loving Your Comfort Zone

Hmmm. Chocolate. Tea. Coffee. Repeat. And nutrient-dense food. Also, last year I put a lot of energy into making the deck, front and backyard cozy with tons of rocks, pathway stones, patio furniture complete with umbrellas, solar lights, cozy chair cushions, faux ivy and lavender flowers surrounded by live cacti. It is my sanctuary.
And walking the action-oriented dog with a lake view and towering pine trees helps a lot--like today. We are calm. Exercise works! At night when it's cool, building a fire and sipping a cup of hot chocolate is comforting. Enjoying cable, pine trees outside to admire from every window helps me stay connected to Mother Nature. I'm good. But the protesters are not grounded. At all and they are putting themselves and others in the line of danger...
People Don't Get It

These days, I do have the home, the dog, and freedom. I sense puppy would be happy either way but at night he is spoiled all cozy indoors in my bed. And food? Well, we've got plenty and structure.
Still, I was patient unlike the protesters. I scrubbed toilets while in grad school and paid my dues to be able to enjoy the comfort I have today. And right now I do have gratitude to live in the mountains, be in a cozy, peaceful cabin, sharing my life with a fluffy canine and affectionate cat, and have my beloved family living behind me.
Everyone Pays a Price--It's Time to Breathe

For now, we have to be bold, patient, and hang in there if we want our freedom--again. Will it ever be the same? Probably not. Will it get better? Most likely. But like anything worthwhile we have to pay the price and fight for something that we really want. And I can tell you we will get our freedom as I did but it will not happen over night or tomorrow. It's time to chill and take one day at a time. Everyone pays a price. This time we are supposed to be doing it together or it will not work.
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