"Get Ready for Spring--
Spring has finally arrived, and with it the promise of New Beginnings. Shop this enticing collection of books perfect for helping you get in shape, get organized, and get ready for Spring."

What's more, all three books boast a chapter on beauty with these superfoods and recipes on how to rejuvenate your body from head to toe. And, weight loss facts, recipes, and diet plans are part of these books, too. Not to forget health perks for all."
Spring Forward: Yes, personally I have begun the process of renewal. I enjoy my large cup of joe in the early a.m. to provide mental and physical energy. Tomorrow, I will rejoin the resort where I swim. Next up? Today at the store I'll be grabbing plenty of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. It's salad time to healthy up and keep slim. Of course, I'll be using honey (yes, it does fight spring allergies and I explain how in the book), and oils (all types included in the new revised and updated edition) in a variety of healthful salads.
So, did seeing these three books surprise me? Yes and no. I'm elated to share the joys of these superfoods with readers. But I also indulge in a bit of chocolate (infused with dried fruit and nuts) and the wide world of vinegars for salads, baked goods, and topically for skin woes of the season.
Not to forget, I do practice what I preach. I've been up to spring cleaning with these three superfoods, using feng shui with each one, and loving color therapy to lighten up. Read: A fluffy green comforter on the bed, pale blue place mats on the glass table, white throw pillows in the living room, and must find a spring wreath to put on the front door. Indeed, Spring is the season for renewal and it's easier with energizing, healthful coffee, honey, and olive oil!
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