Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Drop 6 Lbs.+ in 2 Days with Olive Oil and Vinegar

 By Cal Orey, The Writing Gourmet

Pre-Spring is in the air. I can feel it despite the eye-catching winter snow in Northeast--we are having a mega-drought on the West Coast. Rather than sing the winter blues wherever you are (especially if you're carrying unwanted holiday weight) dump the pounds ASAP.
Couples will soon seem to be blossoming like olives or buzzing like honey bees everywhere you look, right? So, whether you're enjoying the thought of that season of renewal or getting ready to travel somewhere new and exciting, like me to Washington and Canada, for book research, you want a leaner, fit and lean(er) body to fit in those skinny jeans and bathing suit, whether the sun shines or not.
Here is a perfect tried-and-true quickie jump-start diet plan that'll help you drop six pounds or more (depending upon your weight) in 48 hours. This quickie diet plan is found in the Healing Powers series: The Healing Powers of Vinegar, my NEW The Healing Powers of Olive Oil, and The Healing Powers of Honey. (Don't forget the timeless book The Healing Powers of Coffee--another superfood fat-burner! and it was touted in a past issue of Woman's World!)

Pre-Spring 2 Day Olive Oil and Vinegar Detox Diet

Breakfast: Fresh berries (no limit)
Lunch: 4 ounces fresh white-meat turkey
Greens with dressing made of fresh parsley, 1 tablespoon each virgin olive oil and apple cider vinegar, and spices to taste
1 cup fresh berries
6 to 8 ounces fresh flounder, sole, or salmon
1 cup fresh berries

COOL NOTES:• Drink a minimum of six 8-ounce glasses of water with fresh lemon throughout the day and/or herbal teas.
• Check with your doctor before starting this or any diet.
• For an extra healthful edge to this diet plan, every day before each meal, drink 1 tablespoon of Bragg apple cider vinegar  in an 8-ounce glass of water. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey, if desired. 
A bonus tip: Exercise at least 20-30 minutes each day. 

* The Healing Powers Series explains exactly how honey, olive oil, and vinegar work as fat burners. Drink 2 cups of coffee per day to boost your calorie-burning power and provide energy so you'll go do it!

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