Monday, September 5, 2022

Lose 5 Pounds on the Caveman Diet!

  By Cal Orey

Dump Pounds on the Pre-Fall Caveman Diet

It’s almost a new season. Living in the mountains brings four distinct seasons and four different ways of enjoying superfoods. Once the weather cools down, it’s time to change it up up with superfoods and slip into jeans, crop sweaters, and boots. A spike of energy happens when you take it off so you can put your fave fall clothes on and feel cozy.

Before a trip to the Pacific Northwest, I wanted to dump five pounds. For a few days, I ate a semi-Stone Age diet: leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and fruit; no catching fish or fowl at the lake for me. It worked. At Sea-Tac Airport one evening, I was standing in skinny jeans, two tee shirts, two sweaters, a thick coat, neck scarf and UGG boots. I was lean, layered, and cool, right? Wrong.

Shocked by the crowd of people, I felt like a creature from another planet. Seattle locals and visitors were clad in Hawaiian shirts, shorts, and thongs. I looked like I was transported to the wrong terminal. One man asked me, “Are you going to Alaska?” Embarrassed, I answered, “Nah, Vancouver.” 

Note to self: Savor skinny superfoods for their amazing pounds-off powers but forego piling on clothes when going to a destination known for its warm Mediterranean climate.

Eat Like a Caveman, Sort Of

I followed a semi- Paleolithic diet, Paleo diet, caveman diet, or stone-age diet. The main foodstuff avoids processed food and includes vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, and  excludes dairy products, grains, sugar, legumes, processed oils, and salt. (I included 1 cup Greek yogurt or 1 cube cheese or an egg (hard boiled or scrambled) I felt deprived and one cup of coffee, no meat, no cheese, no bread.)

Here is the super jump-start diet plan. It is not intended to be used long-term. But you can use it one day per week or as needed after the first time which is one or two days, since it gives your body a vacation from too much overindulging in food on special occasions that include rich and high-calorie fare.

Eating clean foods from a caveman, plant-based diet (such as berries and leafy greens fill you up) and will help give your body a break – detoxing your body. Taking a mini-fast food staycation right at home can help you get fit and dump the muffin top,

This diet plan is adapted from mini-fasts I’ve created with the help of nutritionists. It also uses superfoods in the top ranked Mediterranean Diet Pyramid (the plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, teas, and water). Add raw honey, herbs and spices for flavor. Forget the poultry, meat cavemen's the other fare they enjoyed, too.

The Superfoods Stone-Age Diet Rules

·       Do not go below 1000 calories. Two days only.

·       Do not eat after 7 PM. If you are dying of starvation, you may eat a piece of fresh fruit with herbal tea.

·       Health authorities advise you to drink seven to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. The amount depends on your size and weight, activity level, and where you live. (Seasons count, too, you may require more in a hotter climate.)

·       Consult with your health practitioner before starting this diet or any new diet plan. Do not use if you’re pregnant, nursing, or have diabetes.

·       Take a daily multivitamin to help you get adequate nutrients.

Now that you’re ready to spring into autumn and healthy up with superfoods without starving – you’ll feel super during the season to love with a new you.

Adapted from The Healing Powers of Superfoods, Kensington. *This book has gone back to press for a third printing. Gift Book, too! 


-- Cal Orey, M.A. Is an author and journalist. Her books include the Healing Powers Series (Vinegar, Olive Oil, Chocolate, Honey, Coffee, Tea, Superfoods, Essential Oils, Herbs and Spices) published by Kensington. (The collection has been featured by the Good Cook Book Club.) Her website is

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