Author Departs Vinegar Land
By Cal Orey
It's official. I am leaving Vinegar Land tomorrow morning. My bags are packed, I'm ready to, and wishing I was off on a jet plane. (I may be sooner than later.) This time, however, I've been busy at work working on the third edition of The Healing Powers of Vinegar (Kensington).
It's been fun. It's been challenging. It's been another experience. While I am done with this updated and revised edition I know too well that it will return with some notes from the editors. It's the way it's done. However, I also know that I'll have some time to exhale, regroup, and treat myself to lots of things that have been neglected...

Later this week a teeth cleaning. Both dogs have had their dental check-ups. The hair? Ah, it's about time to deal with those oh-so natural dark roots. And swimming? On Wednesday it's either back to the resort pool early in the mornings or to the outdoor pool. Decisions, decisions.
And this old cabin I live in? Cob webs on the high beam ceilings. Raking is needed after the thunderstorms all last week. Summer cleaning.
After working day and night (living and breathing a topic) for a lengthy time on a book project it's not uncommon for an author to get a surge of physical energy. The thing is, writing is sedentary (after the research), and to stay focused often things that need to be done are put on the back burner. Also, staying balanced is a challenge because you enter another place--like Vinegar Land. But today, is a good day. For the most part, the project is done--or I will enter the land of over writing and editing (an editor once taught me that fact). I'm leaving the Vinegar People and regaining my life again. Caveat: I will be entering Teaworld once I find my balance. A writer's work is never done.
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