Sunday, September 15, 2024

Courage with Paws: The Heart of a Siamese Cat -- NEW Release (November, 2024)

 "A gentle, multileveled and enjoyable story."

Stanley Coren, Ph.D.


A Chatty Cat’s Heartfelt Journey through Fear and Hope!

 In a world full of challenges, one extraordinary Siamese cat named Sir Whiskers McPurrington discovers that even the mightiest hearts can face unexpected trials. With his dazzling creativity and a heart of gold, Sir Whiskers is taken aback when he learns about his serious heart problem.

Instead of giving up, this gutsy feline embraces the journey, choosing to confront his struggles with courage and cleverness. How does this brave cat rise above hardship? With the help of his intuition and the enchanting wizard doctor, Professor Pawsworth, Sir Whiskers finds hope in the most unlikely places.

Alongside him is his loyal companion, Barkley the Australian shepherd, who stands by him through thick and thin. Together, they unveil a powerful truth: within their pawsitivity lies not just nine lives but a universe of endless possibilities waiting to be explored.

"I love cats; this clever book is charming and unforgettable." 

--Stephen Spignesi, author of The Cat Book of Lists

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