Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Soulmates with Paws: A Collection of Incredible Animal Stories -- A New Action and Adventure Page-Turner

   By Cal Orey



(It's not a Crafts or Pet Care book! Think Action & Adventure, Animals & Essays, Fiction, Travel)

Author of the popular Healing Powers series ... collection of her published stories in national mags from the past!

 This one-of-a-kind book includes recognized pet-lovers, such as Betty White, Doris Day, John Steinbeck, Zane Grey and Charles Schulz to memorable pets and their people. Each story and event show the virtues of soulmates with paws.

 * The global pandemic and lockdowns of 2020 resulted in an upsurge of animal adoptions… people were seeking the emotional support and affection that a companion animal can bring.

* Whether it’s ESP, superior senses, feline intuition, or a change in routine, your pet may sense danger, and give you a warning to keep you out of harm’s way.

* Homeless pets and their people are a timeless phenomenon. How do dogs and cats help humanity facing the worst of times?

 * Beyond 9 lives:  Why canines and felines come back from the brink may be a connection to the strong human-pet bond. 

* Homeward Bound: How do wayward cats and dogs find their way home, anyhow?

 Written from the perspective of a veteran animal writer, flanked by her devoted pet menagerie, gifted storyteller author Cal Orey, shares the best of her nationally published magazine stories. This fascinating, warm, and witty gift book dishes out the power of love and loyalty between companion animals and humanity.

 "Cal Orey combines well-researched expertise, dynamic humor, and honoring the angelic nature of animals by showing their power to heal hearts and minds with unconditional love."

 — Allen and Linda Anderson, co-founders of Angel Animals Network

 Order Now (softcover/hardcover and ebook last week of December at all online bookstores). Now Available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon bookstores...more to follow!

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