By Cal Orey
Did You Know?
The honey bee (apis mellifera) is one of
nature’s greatest gifts.
The Key Pollinators…
“The honey bee pollinates about one-third of the food we eat,” says Reno-based
agriculturists-beekeeper Leonard Joy of Joy’s Honey Ranch. The honey bee—an
insect—pollinates more than 90 crops, including apples, blueberries, citrus
fruit, and nuts. Simply put, honey bee colonies (50,000 to 60,000 per hive that
include workers, drones, and one queen) are vital to our planet.
“Honey bees are woven into our food
chain. Pet foods containing animal proteins rely partly on bees for pollination
of pasture plants to complete the circle of life,” explains Hidden Valley
Honey’s beekeeper Chris Foster of Reno. “Without honey bees, the whole food
chain would be diminished in diversity and quantity for both us and our pets.”
And Honey Makers: Beekeepers such as Joy, Foster and Dan Baily of Sparks know
that honey bees provide another service; they produce honey. Known as “nectar
of the gods,” honey has been used for its medicinal powers for 5000 years.
Local beekeepers such as the Bailys sell honey to locals and retail outlets for
use in treating allergies. It’s believed that raw local honey contains pollen
that cause allergies—repeated us might help to build up immunity to the
annoying ailment. You’ll find local honey (including comb honey, beeswax, candles,
and soap) around town and at farmers’ markets.

People and Pets: Although honey bees are gentle, if provoked, their survival
instinct to protect their queen will kick in and they might strike. Some pets
can have mild symptoms to a sting, just as humans can. If anaphylaxis (a severe
allergic response) occurs, this can be life-threatening. Contact your doctor or
vet ASAP.
line: Do not attempt to get rid of bees by yourself. Call a beekeeper to help
you safely remove swarms (10,000 to 15,000 bees) or colonies.
Meanwhile, mankind is buzzing about
Colony Collapse Disorder—a die-off of honey bees with an unknown cause. As
researchers around the globe probe the mystery of the alarming decline,
beekeepers work to keep the beloved honey bee—nature’s workhorse—alive and
Sweet Honey Trivia
hive of bees fly more than 55,000 miles to bring you one pound of honey.
bees must tap about two million flowers to make one pound of honey.
honey bee has four wings.
bees communicate by “dancing.”
are an estimated 150,000 hobby beekeepers in the U.S.
National Honey Board)
Excerpt from The Healing Powers of Honey (Kensington Books, 2018 mass market) by Cal Orey. All rights reserved.
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