Volcano Happenings
You Be Nervous?)
My Earth changes forecasts for this year included shaky ground and volcanic activity in the United States. I also pinpointed the state of Alaska and Yellowstone which may turn heads with unusual action creating alerts...and more. Well, more is happening right now, indeed. During the spring, Yellowstone captured scientists’ concern but so has the Big Island in Hawaii. Read on—discover if these two volcanoes are on the road to destruction and how it may affect you.
Tremors in Yellowstone
Earthquake and volcano gurus will
tell you, Yellowstone National Park—America’s restless supervolcano is due for another eruption. The power of a
supervolcano, they say, is 1,000 times greater than a normal volcano. But
Yellowstone, a geologic park, has shown past volcanism and ongoing seismic
activity for years. In May, earthquakes and eruptions are creating a buzz about
the question, “Will it blow?” After all, the park sits over an active volcano.
And Steamboat Geyser has erupted three times which is puzzling scientists.
While a possibility of a great
eruption could happen, late geologist Jim Berkland noted back in the early 21st
century, it likely could experience renewed volcanic activity-which it is
doing. However, he added, it “should not approach the mega-eruption of
mid-Pleistocene time.” And I agree with the maverick scientist who predicted
the major 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake four days before it rocked San Francisco
and Northern California. But volcanic activity doesn’t stop in Yellowstone.
Big Island Kilauea Volcano
Friday evening, May 4, I received a phone call from my sibling. He said with a
sound of excitement, “Evacuations are happening in Hawaii. The volcano
erupted!” After all, we have family on the Big Island. When I logged onto the
computer I was welcomed with a 6.9 earthquake rocked the island. Since it
happened on land, there was no tsunami or casualties happened like the Loma
Prieta shaker.
as the volcano continued to erupt while tremors continued, mandatory evacuations
took place 30 miles from Hilo. Two rural subdivisions, Leilani Estates and
Lanipuna Gardens are in danger because of volcanic bombs (fire), avalanches of
hot rock, and lethal gases including carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
Hawaii’s Volcanic Activity Unusual?
geologists and volcanologists will tell you there are not enough details about
why—but new magma (lava underground from below the volcano) got injected up
into the volcanic mass structure. The consensus is that this region is not
stable—and may fall into the Pacific Ocean one day.
Yellowstone and Hawaii Volcanic Activity Linked?
scientists will tell you the present and future volcanic activity may be a
trigger effect and caused by climate
change. Centuries ago, past periods of loss of glaciers were followed by a
spike in volcanic activity. And history often repeats itself when Earth changes
occur. Eruptions caused by the melting of ice at the Antarctic (image of
disoriented polar bears come to mind) are making it easier for magma to reach
the surface and feed volcanic eruptions.
more, you may be thinking, “Are these two volcanic geological parks linked to
the ongoing activity?” Perhaps it is a trigger effect. Back in 1980, on March
27, Mount St. Helens eruption happened; it was followed by the great volcanic
blast on May 18. Then, in late May, Mammoth Lakes, California (a dormant
volcanic region) began experiencing seismic activity alerting United States
Geologic Survey scientists to issue warnings.
Mammoth Lakes four significant earthquakes in a few days and hundreds of
smaller ones didn’t amount to another volcano episode like Mt. St. Helens, it
did cause alarm. Also, while it’s better to be safe than sorry, tourism
plummeted and the real estate market suffered.
Do These Volcanic Events Affect You?
Yellowstone blows or Kilauea continues
to spew lava, these happenings certainly can affect people and the Earth. The
sulfur dioxide can have adverse health effects by affecting healthy air
quality. In the immediate area people who live nearby can suffer from the ash
which can affect people with respiratory problems.
dioxide can also effect the environment by wreaking havoc on weather and
climate—and cause a cooling effect. Not only an volcanic activity displace
people who may not be able to return to their homes, but air travel due to ash
clouds and aircraft engines get too hot and can become dangerous.
worst-case scenario? Well, Kilauea can affect the sea life in the Pacific Ocean
and air flow, whereas, Yellowstone can do much worse ending up in a nuclear
winter by shrouding the U.S. with ash turning Earth into a volcanic ice age. Go
back in time, almost two hundred years after the eruption of Tambora,
temperatures dropped, causing crops to die and famines in America and Europe.
So, yes, these present-day volcanic happenings can change life as we know it on
the earth but hopefully the activity will fizzle and not sizzle this time
San Andreas Fault Zone—Tick-Toc

The Big Island may start up again with its volcanic activity in June and/or July. And, an underwater earthquake in the Pacific Ocean—near Hawaii or Japan—could also be sobering events.
UPDATE: On May 17, two weeks before June, Kileuea erupted with plumes 30,000 feet into the sky... Events will continue to unfold.
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