By Cal Orey
Spring has sprung. It’s time to move forward and get moving into spring cleaning mode. The cleaner your kitchen is, the cleaner your spirit and soul, which is a good thing for you, yours, and your environment. Read on--you, too, can enjoy a well-balanced kitchen--with vinegar, honey, oil and tea--that feels good from head to toe like I recall enjoying as a little girl.
Also, today, I made a note to myself for pre-spring things to do: Lose five pounds, new wind chimes, gray rug, new fluffy white towels, light green candles, wash all white sheets, frame Barnes and Noble Vinegar book poster, new white running shoes, spring herbal teas, stuff fridge with fresh fruits and vegetables, new cactus plants for the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, hair lightened, and teeth cleaned--and book flight to Canada for July.
Also, today, I made a note to myself for pre-spring things to do: Lose five pounds, new wind chimes, gray rug, new fluffy white towels, light green candles, wash all white sheets, frame Barnes and Noble Vinegar book poster, new white running shoes, spring herbal teas, stuff fridge with fresh fruits and vegetables, new cactus plants for the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, hair lightened, and teeth cleaned--and book flight to Canada for July.

2. Declutter Your Stuff. Ditto. Getting rid of things you don't use will up your energy. It's true. You feel lighter with less kitchen baggage, starting fresh is good for the soul. I cleaned out both the fridge and freezer. Add a fresh box of baking soda to soak up odors. Then, I tackled the pantry and tossed out olive oil, pasta, rice, soup, and anything else that expired...What's the saying: Out with the old and in with the new.
3. Clean the Stovetop and Oven. This was a chore but it feels right to have the stovetop shine. (My Stepford Wife colors are starting to show.) The inside of the oven is sparkling, too. Tip: If you must use toxic oven cleaner, go over it with the natural stuff. Trust me, this is a feel-good must-do before days and nights warm up.
4. Brighten Up with Lighting. During the colder days without sun you'll want to have sunny-type lighting which can up your energy and mood--linked to good health. Go for full spectrum light bulbs or ones with a nice amber glow. Speaking of lightening up...
5. Boost Your Mood with Plants. To help wipe out pollutants in your kitchen, fill your space with hardy, happy plants. Your best bet: philodendrons, spider plants or cactus.
6. Bring on the Water. Fish aquariums provide positive energy in the dining room, especially with a gentle filter Ever notice Asian restaurants and the calming ambiance of fish? Partial fish tank cleanings are good for fish.
7. Fish, Fish, Fish. Today, I read that goldfish can bring you good luck and prosperity. In fact, nine is the lucky number. The colors? Gold and one black one. (Go smaller rather than bigger in size = less cleaning.) My kitchen/dining room/study all are connected. So, the fish aquarium is a pleasant, calming treat for all three rooms.

9. Hide the Gadgets. Too many kitchen items can clutter up all that positive decluttering you did. So, choose your favorites and recycle as you use 'em. Or, you can always get a kitchen island. A rustic, wooden Mediterranean type is earthy. It would be modest, wooden, but eye-catching, and a great place to stack some kitchen gadgets, and a workspace.
10. Hang Wind Chimes with Crystals. I brought one of mine in from the deck--and put it above the kitchen windows. Feng shui gurus recommend hanging chimes in the doorway to the kitchen or over the stove sings good energy. And sit down, exhales, enjoy your clean, decluttered surroundings and renewal of springtime!
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