By Cal Orey
Cinnamon bites and kisses simultaneously.
--Vanna Bonta (1)
I faced sweet
and spicy experiences on my road travels, like a honey bee in flight; I was
stricken by untimely challenges. One
afternoon in Las Vegas
Tiger and I were in front of Lady Luck Casino. It was my idea to leave my
long-haired partner in the shade with water at the doorstep of the entry way
while I tried to hitch a safe ride back home to California . As I was walking inside an older
man called out to me: “Nice dog.” I got an uneasy vibe but tuned it out.
Fifteen minutes later, I left the casino.
My best friend was MIA. Shocked and disoriented like a beekeeper with stolen
bee colonies, I stood outside in the hot sun. I tried to fight back the tears. After a long search there was no rescue. My
canine buddy was gone. I cried all night long.

A few months later, fate paid me a visit.
A black Labrador pup with soulful brown eyes
came into my life on the road. We rescued each other at Ocean Beach ,
San Diego . We
bonded instantly like a beekeeper with new queens and Stone Fox and I,
California Butterfly continued on our journey together. A loyal dog and its
dedicated human are similar to super powers of two superfoods--honey and
The delicious taste of hot cinnamon buns
with sticky honey and the warm memories they invoke in me from childhood when I
smelled a homemade apple pie baking in the oven. The earthy, inviting flavor of
cinnamon has been used worldwide by a multitude of cultures for its versatile
seasoning powers as well as for its healing powers for thousands of years.
Cinnamon comes from the bark of the
cinnamon tree found mostly in Ceylon
and China . It can be found in several forms, including
the stick, which can be grated or used to stir or season beverages—such as hot
chocolate and apple cider. In ground form, it is the most common spice used for
seasoning and baking. There are
countless dishes that call for both cinnamon and honey—two of nature’s finest
foods that complement each other as well as provide medicinal properties.
A new feature on the Mediterranean Diet
Pyramid is the addition of spices, for reasons of both health and taste. Also,
spices contribute to the natural identities of various Mediterranean cuisines.
So, can a spice, like cinnamon paired
with honey, which enhances the taste of many foods and warms the hearts of all
who enjoy its aroma—hold healing powers to relieve pain and rev up your sex
drive? I took a look at the popular
claims and this is what I discovered.
10 Real Reasons the Duo Is Sweet
and cinnamon have a lot in common. Like honey, cinnamon’s healing powers since
biblical times have been praised from folk medicine to modern day. Cinnamon’s powers
can help prevent age-related diseases like cancer, heart disease, and obesity.
like honey, contains antioxidants. Also, both functional foods are used for
home cures. You’ll also discover both cinnamon and honey provide natural
healing powers from head to toe. Here,
take a look at the real research behind the claims of this powerful duo.
Aphrodisiac: Is cinnamon
really a way to reigniting passion? Perhaps, it is, according to past research
at the Smell and Taste Research Foundation in Chicago , Illinois .
When men where exposed to dozens of scents, the only one that got a positive
sexual response was the aroma of hot cinnamon buns.
The Real Honey and Cinnamon
Cure: Refer to Chapter 18, “Ciao, Honey!” for cinnamon and honey recipes to
get that romantic touch with cinnamon and honey. If it doesn’t provide results
at least you’ll be getting nature’s sweetest foods with nutritional
benefits—without fat or cholesterol--and that can also help enhance libido for
both men and women.
Arthritis: Aches and pains from creaky cartilage and
joints like a lackluster love life, can wreak havoc on your lifestyle and
well-being. While cinnamon is not a magic bullet to gaining flexibility and
losing pain, it does contain anti-inflammatory compounds that may be beneficial
in reducing pain and stiffness in muscles and joints.
The Real Honey and Cinnamon
Cure: Try a cup of cinnamon tea
teamed with a fresh cinnamon stick and a teaspoon of honey. You may get the
pain relief from the anti-inflammatory compounds in cinnamon; and the honey
(also with anti-inflammatory properties) will provide instant energy so you can
do daily stretches (or even make love and that’ll provide relief of pain due to
the feel-good endorphins).
Cholesterol: While pain
isn’t fun, tallying up out of whack cholesterol numbers is no picnic either.
Powerful phytochemicals in cinnamon can reduce blood sugar, as well as
triglycerides (fat in your blood), total cholesterol, and LDL “bad” cholesterol
in people with type 2 diabetes. Team
that with honey, which has no fat or cholesterol, and you may just be able to
keep your cholesterol levels healthy.
The Real Honey and Cinnamon
Cure: Incorporating honey and cinnamon powder in your diet regime, which
should be a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Also, if you are overweight, honey
and cinnamon can help you to lose weight to keep your “good” HDL cholesterol
numbers up. Don’t forget B vitamin-rich foods, such as vitamin B6 (fish with a
honey glaze, smoothie with wheat germ and honey) and vitamin B12 (French toast
with egg, milk, and honey and poultry with a honey glaze).
Colds: If cinnamon and honey
can help keep sugar levels steady, can it stave off catching a common cold?
There are many home cure remedies that call for honey and cinnamon to help cure
the common cold. Does it work? The combo cold-buster may help stave off
catching a common cold as well as speed up your recovery due to its
antibacterial and antiviral properties. But if you’re immune system has been
compromised and you’re keeping company with someone who has a cold—cinnamon and
honey may not be 100 percent effective.
The Real Honey and Cinnamon
Cure: Adding tea to your daily diet regime, especially antioxidant-rich
green and black tea paired with honey and cinnamon can help you to keep your
immune system strong so if you do catch a cold, you’ll be able to kick the
virus faster. (More in the book.)
*Excerpt from The Healing Powers of Honey (available wherever ebooks/paperbacks are sold).
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