Italians...seemed never to die. They eat olive oil all day long...and that's what does it."--William Kennedy
Ever notice how your body craves a European-type pampering from head to toe? Today is Columbus Day and I'm taking a mini-vacation for a day. That means it's a time for fresh autumn fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and olive oil. I'm going to be nibbling on naturally sweet and nutritious grapefruit, kiwi, purple grapes, apples--some of my favorite fall fruity delights. Drinking lots of water and herbal teas throughout the day is part of my Get Spa'd plan. In between this cleansing process in the early afternoon I'm off to the resort pool to get a good swim and relaxing hot tub. (I hope the tourists are MIA.)
Back home again for fall chores (such as bringing in firewood, hanging the pressed kitchen curtains, tackling the cob webs, and filing paperwork). Drinking more water is part of the schedule... Oh, I almost forgot. A writer's work(s) is never done. I have to do a quick edit for a piece due this week on how healing chocolate is not healing for dogs and cats during the holidays--or any day for that matter.
Tonight it's going to be a simple and fresh salad for one. While lean protein is good for you and your immune system it's strictly an almost vegetarian's day for me. I haven't eaten meat for more than 30 years but fish and eggs (in moderation) are part of the Mediterranean diet and I do indulge on other days for health's sake. Yes, both eggs and fatty fish are good for you. But today is a special day of cleansing my home and body. And a bit of European cheeses (they're part of the plan on this holiday salad) are a super source of calcium, protein, and vitamin A, not to mention taste.
Indulging in an easy modified fast with detoxifying fruits and salads without eggs and fish paired with plenty of water and teas have umpteen perks: clears skin, gives your organs a rest, cleanses body, relieves aches and pain, relaxes, rejuvenates, boosts regularity, helps to maintain your ideal body weight, and slows aging. No measurments for this salad are required.
Mediterranean Salad
* * *
Spinach and romaine greens
Roma tomatoes, sliced
Provolone, feta & parmesan
Black olives, sliced
Lemon-flavored extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar
I purchased a loaf of local mountain multigrain French bread. Warming it up and drizzling a bit of warm olive oil on it seems like the right Italian thing to pair with the tossed salad.
One more thing. Olive oil isn't just for eating. Tonight it's a perfect night to use olive oil on my hands and feet for that smooth effect during that homestyle manicure and pedicure. And this is the Mediterranean way to give your body a mini-break for your mind, body, and spirit.
You've gotta get Spa-d. Truly, you'll feel good all over. Repeat as needed.