5 Hot Summertime
Oil & Vinegar Home Cures
(For Not So Fun Stuff)
By Cal Orey
Looking for a new, improved way to deal with pesky health ailments this season chock-full of life's ups and downs, hot sunshine, and natural disasters? Mighty vinegar and olive oil comes to the rescue--to all of you who love gourmet food. Remember, you gotta take care of yourself first, whipping up fine fare and digging in is second...
1. Anxiety: Make an anti-anxiety cocktail by putting 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into 1 cup of boiling water and simmering it for a few minutes. For an extra relaxing boost, drop a chamomile tea bag into the cup.
2. Chapped Skin: Mix your best olive oil-based hand cream with vinegar. Apply this combination each time after you wash your hands. (Cooking and baking in the kitchen calls for this cure year-round.)
3. Hot Flashes: When Father Time and Mother Nature meet, summer heat, dry or humid, and stress can trigger hot flashes for women, in their 40s, 50s and 60s, dealing with hormonal woes. Try 1 tablespoon in one 8-ounce glass of spring water with ice cubes. If you sip a cold, refreshing apple cider drink, you will keep those hot flashes at bay. (Ice green or chamomile tea with a splash of ACV can do the trick, too.)
4. Vitamin Tester: Not a big vitamin taker here. Eating nutrient-dense foods seems to do the job for me. Drop your vitamin into ½ cup of vinegar. Stir the solution a few times during the course of 20 minutes. If the vitamin separates into tiny pieces, it’s good. If not, look for a different brand.
5. First-Aid Essential: So far, so good regarding summer and Mother Nature. No wildfires, quakes, floods--yet. Pour apple cider vinegar into a large plastic container (or two), and store it with your emergency supplies for your universal emergency protection for health problems (cuts, bruises, sore throat, etc.) after a hurricane, flood, earthquake hits home.
Excerpt from The Healing Powers of Vinegar by Cal Orey
Apple cider vinegar is a good antiseptic for the skin (i.e.,) get stung by a jellyfish in the ocean or bit by a spider.