Earth Changes (March Oracle Visionary Magazine)
By Cal Orey
Time-Traveling Tabby
Paws, Claws, and Quantum Laws: Feline Odyssey Through Dimensions!
In a world where seismic and cosmic events reshape the Earth and alter the fabric of time, an underappreciated cat becomes an unexpected bridge between past and present. As its new owner and cat experience the complexities of time travel, the feline’s heightened senses alert her to impending Earth changes that could redefine their existence. Together they forge a bond, revealing tales of feline companionship while facing the mysteries of the Universe…
In the short story Time-Traveling Tabby: A Journey Through Whiskers and Time, a scribe navigates a complex time-based landscape, and her newly adopted cat becomes a conduit to the past, revealing tales of feline companions from bygone eras. With its keen senses, the cat alerts its owner to an impending celestial event, forging a bond between them that transcends time and space. As the feline peeks into a future time loop in 2032 (impacts of climate change and extreme weather events), it must trust its instincts in order to confirm a calm future. [PAWS ACROSS TIME: ORACLE VISIONARY MARCH 2025, PAGES 18-19--Oracle Visionary | Oracle Visionary March 2025 | MagCloud]
The tale revolves around a young orange tabby cat adopted by a seasoned prose weaver who takes “Gatsby” on a journey through time, visiting the 70s, 80s, 90s, and the 21st century, and eventually, the future. The feline narrator tells the saga of adventures, which are deeply connected to his owner’s past experiences and the stories she shares with him about her previous cats. As the cat listens to these feline tales, he feels a strong desire to prove himself and fill the paws of the scribes’ past adopted cats who endured Earth changes through decades in the U.S.:
• 1970s: In 1975, on the island of Hawaii (Big Island), the Kilauea volcano erupted, causing geological changes.
• 1980s: The eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State in 1980 caused widespread destruction and ash fallout.
• 1990s: Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, leading to catastrophic flooding and a humanitarian crisis.
• 1999: Y2K concerns over potential computer system failures at the turn of the millennium led to widespread preparations that fizzled with minimal disruption.
The Cat’s Journey and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Elements
As Gatsby time travels with his owner, he develops a keen intuition that allows him to sense an imminent earthquake, which he warns his owner about by scratching at the closet door for two days before the BIG event changes his life. The act of courage and loyalty wins over his owner’s heart, and she begins to appreciate the great Sir Gatsby’s wonderful listening skills and the special bond they share. The cat’s ability to sense the earthquake and his journey through time with his owner are the key sci-fi elements in the story, showcasing his uncanny powers and the unique connection he has with his owner. The cat’s experiences and the stories this owner tells him about her past felines who survived earth changing events, creates a rich and immersive narrative that explores the themes of time travel, intuition, and the human-animal bond.
Take a peek at an excerpt from the Time-Traveling Tabby:
THE SHAKE-UP - Time's Tectonic Shift
Then, BAM! seismic waves shook my senses for two days…
The sensitive woman noticed my odd scratching the closet door;
I saw flocks of birds fly away from rumbling to come,
An earthquake imminent; shaking and rolling floor—and MORE!
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Themes
The story is heartwarming and thought-provoking exploration of the sci-fi fantasy genre, with a unique twist of having a feline narrator who travels through time and experiences the world in a way that is both familiar and strange. The cat’s journey and his owner’s stories about her past cats create a sense of nostalgia and high-tech wonder, highlighting the idea that animals can possess a deep understanding of the world and the people around them. The story’s use of time travel and the cat’s intuitive abilities adds a layer of sci-fi/fantasy that makes the narrative engaging and mesmerizing.
CAL OREY, M.A., is a bestselling author-novelist specializing in topics such as adventure, health, romance, and science. She holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in English (Creative Writing) from San Francisco State University. Her books include the popular Healing Powers series, and Courage with Paws. (Book 2) Time-Traveling Tabby, and an electrifying co-authored sci-fi-/fantasy trilogy--The Ghost Ships. Her website is