By Cal Orey
Early July I found myself keeping true to a vow and going to Victoria, British Columbia to escape tourist chaos on Fourth of July. I didn't know what to expect but whatever the trip brought me I knew it would be sweeter solitude than at home. After living at Lake Tahoe for almost two decades I finally get it. During the Fourth of July if you're not a tourist it's the time get the heck out of dodge and flee anywhere but at the Lake.
Okay so I didn't follow the flock. I was going to go the popular Butchart Gardens but I truly prefer aquariums like the one in Vancouver. I didn't want to be sandwiched in between strangers on a van for more than one hour. It was my idea to enjoy an impromptu, scenic time viewing seaplane ride (I should have done that), and the beauty of the Pacific Northwest which always includes water.
Mine Every Morning |
Viewing locals on kayaks reminded me of Tahoe as well as ducks and a few swimmers. But I admit I was bit by the boat bug. Decades ago my former significant other at the time took us to Catalina. I was hesitant to take the ferry due to listening to people who warned me about choppy water. The way over was a smooth ride as well as coming back to Long Beach. Also, we rented a small boat (which almost capsized) but it was fun. There was a 5.6 earthquake though offshore Southern California that grabbed attention.
So this Canada trip on the water was a fun one for me mixing the past and present. Yet it made me wonder, "Why didn't I book the whale adventure?" Now that would have most likely presented more feelings of adventure. (I got that in December 2019, pre-pandemic, on a flight to Alaska. Severe rough air that the flight attendants were MIA.)

Update: It is June 30, 2022. I have booked a nature-lover's trip to AK and the Pacific Northwest come autumn. I pray the variants leave me be and I get to go north.
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