By Cal Orey
Warm Up to a Pumpkin
Treat (or Two)
One autumn on a trip away from the South Shore, I experienced
pumpkins lining the cobblestone sidewalks in French-speaking Quebec City, Quebec. A pretty pumpkin patch in the Apple Hill area of
Placerville greeted me another Indian summer. And, I’ve enjoyed admiring pumpkins,
all sizes, at our local grocery stores.
Last year I bought a huge pumpkin at our friendly Safeway. It was
my intention to carve it, put a candle inside, and enjoy it on the deck. Well,
the pumpkin did sit on the deck for a while. But it was faceless. Then, I
brought it in and placed it by the fireplace. No
happy or sad face. Time passed and the pumpkin without an identity ended up
sitting on the dining room table amid orange and white candles. Finally, I put
the orange ball without a personality (like Wilson in the film Castaway)
on top of the fridge. I was going to repurpose it, by removing the seeds for
homemade pumpkin seeds.

So, this year cans of pumpkin puree sit in my
pantry. Instead of a pumpkin pie, scones, or fudge, I’m warming up to making
Pumpkin French Toast. It’s a fine treat that will get eaten and no waste,
French Toast
teaspoon European style butter
2 eggs,
large, brown
½ cup low-fat
organic milk
¼ cup
pumpkin puree
teaspoon vanilla extract
teaspoon pumpkin spice
teaspoon cinnamon
slices French bread (thicker, the better)
(local from Carson City or Reno)
extra for topping
In a large frying pan over medium heat, melt
butter. Set aside. In a bowl, combine eggs, milk, pumpkin, vanilla, and spices.
Mix well. Dunk bread slices (both sides) into the egg mixture. Place each slice
into the pan. Medium heat is recommended. Cook for a few minutes and turn over.
Repeat till golden brown. Serve hot. Add a pat of butter, drizzle with honey.
Serves 2.
This recipe is easy to put together. Not only is
it quick it’s versatile. It is good for breakfast, especially paired with chunks
of seasonal fruit, and a cup of hot pumpkin spice flavored coffee or tea. But
it can suffice as a late-night snack, too. The pumpkin touch is fall-ish. The
best part: It won’t be tricked, like the South Shore pumpkin that came to my
cabin and never lived a full life.
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