By Cal Orey
B-r-r. It’s oh-so 30-ish chilly smoothie weather outside in the sierras. So, you’re probably wondering why I’m bringing cold smoothies to the table, right? Well, they’re energizing, calming, and super delicious! So why not. During springtime in the mountains even though we get snow, rain, and some sunshine, it’s a time for getting a move on like our hungry coyotes and mice. Blame it on Spring Fever.
B-r-r. It’s oh-so 30-ish chilly smoothie weather outside in the sierras. So, you’re probably wondering why I’m bringing cold smoothies to the table, right? Well, they’re energizing, calming, and super delicious! So why not. During springtime in the mountains even though we get snow, rain, and some sunshine, it’s a time for getting a move on like our hungry coyotes and mice. Blame it on Spring Fever.
And seasonal fruit smoothies
are easy to make. Throughout the years living on the south shore, I’ve had my
share of the drinks that go back to the seventies. Yep, I’ve been introduced to
mega health food types with the server asking me, “How many scoops of protein
powder?” to ice cream parlor tropical flavors blended by workers who don’t know
what sugary syrups ingredients are being added to the colorful beverage. So,
after a while it hit me and I thought, “I can whip up a smoothie. How hard can
it be?”

This week, for
instance, I went swimming followed by a dunk in the hot tub before noon while I
watched and savored snow flurries outdoors. (Off season it was bliss.) Back home instead of cooking, I made a quick smoothie
with fresh fruit available at our friendly Safeway. It is good-for-you and
tastes sweet and savory, too!
Super Strawberry Smoothie
1 cup strawberries, fresh, sliced

1 cup strawberries, fresh, sliced
¼ cup pear, chopped
½ banana, fresh
5 small ice cubes
½ cup low-fat organic
1/2 cup all-natural plain
Greek yogurt
½ teaspoon pure
vanilla extract
Add nutmeg and cinnamon
to taste (ground from cinnamon sticks is best)
Whipped cream
Chopped almonds or walnuts
Basil or mint
In a blender, combine fruit,
ice, milk, and yogurt. Blend until smooth. (All the better if your blender has
a “smoothie” button.) Add honey and spices;
blend quickly. Pour into a large milkshake glass. Top with whipped cream, nuts
and serve with a straw and spoon. Serves one or two. The texture of a
smoothie, like this one, is thick and filling. Its mix of fruit and spicy flavors
are like fresh crisp air in the spring. While ordering a smoothie when out and
about at Tahoe it’s a treat. But doing it yourself is just as fun because you dish
it up just the way you like it.
— Cal Orey, M.A., is an author and journalist. Her books include the Healing Powers Series (Vinegar, Olive Oil, Chocolate, Honey, Coffee, Tea, and Superfoods) published by Kensington. (The collection has been featured by the Good Cook Book Club.) Her website is .
— Cal Orey, M.A., is an author and journalist. Her books include the Healing Powers Series (Vinegar, Olive Oil, Chocolate, Honey, Coffee, Tea, and Superfoods) published by Kensington. (The collection has been featured by the Good Cook Book Club.) Her website is .
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