Sunday, October 13, 2024


 Beating the Odds: A Heartfelt Heart Journey

By Cal Orey


In her new book, Courage with Paws: The Heart of a Siamese Cat, Cal Orey shares a tale about a cat who battles an unexpected heart adventure. Cal Orey tells this story vicariously through the eyes of her Siamese-mix Cat, given the most royal name of Sir Whiskers McPurrington.  Living in the high country of Lake Tahoe, one sunny afternoon Sir Whiskers felt odd – short of breath – and his heart began racing.  “Rushed to the animal hospital things got serious quickly,” the narration explained.  The story goes into an NDE, near-death-experience, telling how Dr. Furryheart saved Sir Whiskers.  The doctor recommended surgery saying, “Time is running out, Mr. Whiskers. Your heart is very, very weak.”  But “No” said Sir Whiskers, relying on his sixth sense cat-intuition to avoid further risks... Courage with Paws combines many elements showcasing Cal Orey's finesse of creative writing. Artfully interleaved with excellent illustrations to highlight the theme of the story, along with photographs bringing in credibility of this being a true story, plus with the icing on the cake of having whimsical character names in the genre of Dr. Seuss, the book congeals into an art form with a stern message; that being to understand heart-health.–Pacific Book Review

 Here, Orey sits down for a little heart to heart Q&A, where she shares insights and tips on how a cardiac event can wake up your wellness routine, helping you to not only stay heart healthy, but also reduce your risk of heart disease--even substantially lowering your risk of a heart attack even if the genetic factor plays a role in your life.

 Q: Did you, a healthy woman and health author for decades, experience a cardiac arrest? 

Yes. In the Spring of 2023 I thought my little cough was allergies due to pet dander and pollen. Then, one day I called the paramedics and I said, “I think something is wrong. It’s difficult for me to breathe.” Fifteen minutes later, I was at the ER room in our local hospital. I was anxious. Then, I don’t recall anything.

Q: Once at the hospital what happened?

One and a half years later, a nurse told me she recalled the unforgettable event. “You didn’t have a pulse. I called out ‘Code Blue!’ CPR was done.” She said I was put on a ventilator. My sibling was asked about my DNR wishes. I still only recall fragments of my time in ICUs—but those memories still haunt me like ghosts.

 Q: One day later after the cardiac arrest, you were transported to another hospital and told you had severe coronary disease and needed open heart surgery. What did you do?

A surgeon spoke to me after an angiogram. He told me seventy percent of my severe heart disease was due to genes. Also, the compassionate doctor was the only one who advised against open heart surgery. He said it was likely my healthy lifestyle allowed me to live a healthy life for decades. And the doctor suggested taking medication for heart disease. Other doctors and nurses disagreed. I was told I would never walk again. I was told I would die in one day if I didn't say yes to major surgery with up to six months recovery time--and no guarantees of making it through the ordeal. 

Despite the dire warnings I followed my instincts and was feisty. I declined. I discharged myself from the hospital. As the days passed, I continued to say no to going under the knife. My sixth sense kicked in and I didn’t feel major surgery was right for me.

Q: During the summer of 2023 did you regain your health?

No way. My condition got worse. I was put on statins which made me tired, nauseated, and frail. So, I once the lean, active health author was now in a wheelchair! My weak heart affected my overall health and well-being. I had swelling of the legs, coughing, and fatigue. Enter: Congestive heart failure.

Q:  Were you scared? 

I knew I was getting worse. My sibling who took care of me was scared I was going to die (again). Then, a local cardiologist (when he looked at my angiogram his jaw dropped when he saw my clogged arteries) referred me to a gifted heart surgeon at UC Davis. He offered to perform a risky Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, a minimally invasive procedure to open blocked heart arteries.

Q: Were you scared before the high-tech procedure?

No. I put my trust and faith in the heart surgeon’s skillset for complex cases. I knew we both were taking a risk, but it was one that felt right to me. It was meant to be and scheduled on October 20, 2023. Five days later after the hospital stay, I was back home. One week later, my life changed drastically. No cough. No swelling. No brain fog. My energy levels—mind and body—was off the charts! I was back. Every day was like a Christmas present. I felt wonderful!

Q: One year later: It is fall 2024. What is the outcome of your heart adventure?

The PCI was very successful. As one nurse recently said, “You reversed your heart disease!” I am no longer in heart failure. My ejection fraction (EF) is near normal. My blood work is back to normal. A chest x-ray, EKG, and echocardiogram all show good results and show my heart is functioning well. Yes, I still have coronary heart disease. I have stents like one cardiologist I know from Newsmax (the media promotes our health books), and even actor Susan Lucci. 

I continue to make healthy lifestyle and diet choices. Translation: I take a blood thinner and one baby aspirin every day, and few other meds—but no statins for me (they do not work well for everyone). I maintain my ideal weight, BMI, eat a strict Mediterranean diet (fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, olive oil—repeat), exercise daily, and live like a health-conscious nun.

The bottom line: I feel blessed to have gone on a heart adventure and survive despite some medical naysayers who predicted an opposite outcome. Not everyone is as lucky as I have been. While luck may have played a role in my comeback so did having a brave heart surgeon (with the heart of a “Wizardly lion like Professor Pawsworth”) in my book Courage with Paws. And my survival instinct, like a feline who falls out of a high-rise window but has a righting mechanism that allows it to land on its feet, helped me make a remarkable recovery.

Praise for Courage with Paws:

"I love cats, and I love this book. It's clever and heartwarming, and a charming and unforgettable tale. You will love Sir Whiskers, and his story will make you appreciate your kitties even more. Cal Orey deserves many treats!" --Stephen Spignesi, popular author of The Cat Book of Lists

"A cat's eye view of a comeback from a crisis with the help of a companion dog and many human helpers that are difficult for a cat to fully understand. A gentle, multileveled and enjoyable story." --Stanley Coren, Ph.D., bestselling author of The Intelligence of Dogs

CAL OREY, M.A., is a bestselling author-novelist specializing in topics such as adventure, health, romance, and science. She holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in English (Creative Writing) from San Francisco State University. Her books include the popular Healing Powers series, the Rescue Me! trilogy, Soulmates with Paws, and the new book Courage with Paws. She is a South Lake Tahoe local. Her website is

Friday, October 11, 2024

Author Cal Orey's Latest Book COURAGE WITH PAWS Brings Heart-Health Awareness to Readers (of all ages)






Having her own earthshaking death experience, Cal Orey uses her Siamese Cat and her Dog as personifications of her cardiac event to teach others - before this happens to you!


LAKE TAHOE:  This true story brings to light the importance for maintaining good heart-health and the genetic factor to all children and adults alike.  Using her Cat and Dog as charming and clever characters for youngsters to better relate to, Cal Orey narrates a short tale about a situation she faced one year ago and was inspired to pen this very impactful book.

Courage with Paws combines many elements showcasing Cal Orey's finesse of creative writing. Artfully interleaved with excellent illustrations to highlight the theme of the story, along with photographs bringing in credibility of this being a true story, plus with the icing on the cake of having whimsical character names in the genre of Dr. Seuss, the book congeals into an art form with a stern message; that being to understand heart-health.  ~ Pacific Book Review

Lucky to be alive, having had no pulse for 15 minutes (she was clinically dead), Cal Orey commented, “I've always been close to God since I'm Catholic. I believe it wasn't my time. Also, it was my intuition that saved me. I called the paramedics in the nick of time! I had shortness of breath and sensed something was very wrong.”  COURAGE WITH PAWS is now available on online bookstores, including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo, and others. It is offered in both e-book and paperback. 

Title: Courage with Paws
Subtitle: The Heart of a Siamese Cat
Author: Cal Orey
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 979-8-8230-3345-9
Pages: 48
Genre: Illustrated Metaphor / Poetry / Children’s Story / Cardiology/ Pet Cats/ Cardiovascular Diseases / Inspired by a True Story


Cal Orey, M.A., is the bestselling author of more than 30 books. She is an accomplished author-journalist, and columnist. As a gifted storyteller, she also pens fiction in many genres: Adventure, Animals & Essays, Contemporary Romance, Humor, Sci-Fi-Thriller, Drama, and Sci-Fi-Fantasy. She has written hundreds of articles for national magazines on topics including health, relationships, science, and health. Her books and popular Healing Powers series have sold hundreds of thousands of copies and landed on bestseller lists across the world. Her website is and blog Writing Gourmet. She is a native Northern Californian.


#  #  #

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


 Title: Courage with Paws

Subtitle: The Heart of a Siamese Cat
Author: Cal Orey
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 979-8-8230-3345-9
Pages: 48
Genre: Illustrated Metaphor / Poetry / Children’s Story / Inspired by a True Story
Reviewer: Beth Adams

Read Book Review

Pacific Book Review

Although the statistics for heart disease vary, it can be justly concluded to be the most awful killer in our society.  Often sneaking up on people unsuspectedly and killing instantly in the form of a heart attack, this unforgiving disease needs to be brought to light – and lessons of survivors have to be shared.  This is the underlying theme in the latest of award-winning and prolific author Cal Orey’s books titled, Courage with Paws – The Heart of a Siamese Cat.

 Cal Orey tells this story vicariously through the eyes of her Siamese-mix Cat, given the most royal name of Sir Whiskers McPurrington.  Living in the high country of Lake Tahoe, one sunny afternoon Sir Whiskers felt odd – short of breath – and his heart began racing.  “Rushed to the animal hospital things got serious quickly,” the narration explained.  The story goes into an NDE, near-death-experience, telling how Dr. Furryheart saved Sir Whiskers.  The doctor recommended surgery saying, “Time is running out, Mr. Whiskers. Your heart is very, very weak.”  But “No” said Sir Whiskers, relying on his sixth sense cat-intuition to avoid further risks.

Sir Whiskers was told of a wizardly lion named Professor Pawsworth at BIG UNIVERSITY who performed miracles in medicine. “I can do tricks, A ‘puff-up magic’ gentle heart helper,” Professor Pawsworth roared, “using small Balloons to open up blocked areas in the heart.” I cried, “Yes, fix!”

 This of course, is referring to an angioplasty, a minimally invasive procedure to widen narrowed arteries.  Once completed, Sir Whiskers McPurrington regained his strength over time, and the book ends with a positive feline feeling of having faced fear and overcoming it with friendship and compassion during the ordeal with his best friend, Barkley, an Australian shepherd, enabling him to continue creating art and laughter – “spreading courage with paws far and near.”

Courage with Paws combines many elements showcasing Cal Orey’s finesse of creative writing.  Artfully interleaved with excellent illustrations to highlight the theme of the story, along with photographs bringing in credibility of this being a true story, plus with the icing on the cake of having whimsical character names in the genre of Dr. Seuss, the book congeals into an art form with a stern message; that being to understand heart-health. As children are at risk as well, everyone needs to pay attention to this awful disease, which will only grow as a percentage in our population over the decades ahead.  This book should be recommended reading in all children’s healthcare organizations as well as family libraries to drill in the importance of heart-health.  Remember, not all of us have the cat-like quality of possessing Nine-Lives, so we need to pay attention to the One we have.

Courage with Paws is a must-read for animal lovers and anyone who believes in the profound impact pets can have on our lives. The book offers an uplifting reminder that courage and love are qualities that can transcend species, leaving readers with a renewed appreciation for the animals who touch our hearts in unexpected ways.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Author-Intuitive Predicted 2024 Historical Hurricane (and Carolinas) + 2nd Atlantic Hurricane

 Hurricane Season--Author's Forecast for Now-November 20, 2024

 By Cal Orey

Weathering the Storm --

Hurricane Season

In October 2018, Hurricane Michael, Category 5, made landfall in the Florida Panhandle but its effects were felt across Georgia, too. The Carter family, living in a small town near the Georgia-Florida border, had prepared for the storm by stocking up on supplies and securing their home. As the winds howled and rain lashed against their windows, they huddled together in their bathroom, sharing family camping stories to distract themselves from the chaos outdoors. When the power went out, they lit candles and continued their tales of the past from past storms that reinforced their courage and resilience. In the dawn, they viewed a changed landscape; fallen trees on their yard and debris on the streets, but they were grateful for each other’s safety and ready to help their neighbors recover.

 Keep reading to discover what happened in the summer of 2024 and what comes next.

Past Predictions Hit!

Gulf States & East Coast Chilling Challenges

Fast forward to hurricane season. When The Blackout Effect (a short novel based on an imminent hurricane) was at press a real life hurricane ignited and headed towards Texas; nearly 3 million people were left in the dark, and a heatwave caused extreme challenges. Properties along the seawall in Galveston were severely damaged by powerful winds and heavy rain brought on by Hurricane Beryl on July 8, 2024.

Not only did Hurricane Beryl happen following the creation of The Blackout Effect, by authors Parker Kelly and Cal Orey, a Gulf Coast saga based in a make believe seaside town "Turtle Beach" near Galveston, but so did some of my other uncanny annual hurricane forecasts. 

I forecasted a post on my blog, August 1, 2024, the following: “hurricanes will happen and the likely Gulf States and perhaps the Carolinas. This year Hawaii may get the newsworthy Category 5. And the entire Atlantic seaboard folks may be boarding up and hunkering down unless there is time to evacuate. At least two historical hurricanes will shock the world and leave unbelievable destruction. Tornado outbreaks will be part of nature’s wrath.”

            Then, on August 3, a hurricane warning threatened the Atlantic coast also known as the East Coast or Eastern Seaboard which consists of 14 US states with coastlines on the North Atlantic Ocean, including South Carolina, North Carolinas, Florida, and Geogia. On August 4, Georgia and the Carolinas were hit by Hurricane Debby. And on August 5, Savannah was challenged by a catastrophic flood threat.

Navigating Ahead

Hurricane season in the United States runs from June 1 to November 30, and it seems longer than shorter in contrast to the past, doesn’t it? And it gets more severe and more active in late summer and early fall. The National Oceanic Atmospheric (NOAA) is still predicting an active Atlantic Seaboard hurricane season.

Remember, Katrina slammed the southeastern United States almost two decades ago and Ian devastated southwest Florida two years ago. Katrina hit in late August, and Ian in late September. Debby in this past August was downgraded to a tropical storm from a Category 1 but not before it brought rain, winds, and flooding to the eastern seaboard. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center updated its outlook for the rest of 2024. In May, it forecasted four to seven storms of Category 3 or higher and that hasn’t changed. Meanwhile, Ernesto is scheduled to be the next named storm.

So, as climate change may be playing a role in extreme weather, be it hurricanes in the South and East Coast to catastrophic West Coast wildfires, people and pets continued to be challenged by nature’s fury. Staying Southern Strong is key to weathering the storm until late fall arrives. For more information: .


Hurricane Timeline: 20th-21st Century Southern-Eastern Squalls

These Category 5 hurricanes had a great impact on the Gulf States and Atlantic Seaboard.

* Camille (1969): Known for its winds; left parts of Mississippi devasted.

*Andrew (1992): A benchmark storm that reshaped building codes in Florida.

* Hugo: (1989): Caused extensive damage across South Carolina.

* Katrina: (2005): One of the deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history; devastated New Orleans.

* Irma: (2017):  A powerful storm that impacted Florida significantly.


Hurricane Wind Scale

This scale helps communities to understand the risks linked with approaching storms.

Category 1 Winds 74-95 mph; dangerous winds will create some damage.

Category 2 Winds 96-110 mph; extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive damage.

Category 3 Winds 111-129 mph; devastating damage will occur.

Category 4 Winds 130-156 mph; catastrophic damage will occur.

Category 5: Winds greater than 157 mph; catastrophic damage will occur.

Sources: NOAA, National Hurricane Center (NHC), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Meowgical NEW Book Release! COURAGE WITH PAWS

 Courage with Paws: The Heart of a Siamese Cat -- NEW Release (October, 2024--a Purr-fect Holiday Book)

Other categories: Cardiology Books, Animal Fiction, Health & Wellness

 "A gentle, multileveled and enjoyable story."

Stanley Coren, Ph.D.


A Chatty Cat’s Heartfelt Journey through Fear and Hope!

 In a world full of challenges, one extraordinary Siamese cat named Sir Whiskers McPurrington discovers that even the mightiest hearts can face unexpected trials. With his dazzling creativity and a heart of gold, Sir Whiskers is taken aback when he learns about his serious heart problem.

Instead of giving up, this gutsy feline embraces the journey, choosing to confront his struggles with courage and cleverness. How does this brave cat rise above hardship? With the help of his intuition and the enchanting wizard doctor, Professor Pawsworth, Sir Whiskers finds hope in the most unlikely places.

Alongside him is his loyal companion, Barkley the Australian shepherd, who stands by him through thick and thin. Together, they unveil a powerful truth: within their pawsitivity lies not just nine lives but a universe of endless possibilities waiting to be explored.

"I love cats; this clever book is charming and unforgettable." 
--Stephen Spignesi, author of The Cat Book of Lists

The author faced heart challenges but never let them dim her spirit. Instead, she sparkled with bravery and faith, and always looked for the silver lining. Courage with Paws shows through the voice of a fictional feline how the poet trusted her intuition and chose gentle ways to heal, bouncing back like a tiger!

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Buzz is The Healing Powers of Honey--It is a Timeless Book


The Healing Powers of Honey Flew into Major National Drugstore! INTERVIEW with Author

Author Unveils Sweet Inside Secrets--Honey Book

By Cal Orey

1.    Cal tell us a little bit about your background? I'm an author-Intuitive…known for the internationally popular Healing Powers Series. 

2.    When did you get interested in the healing power of foods? Since a teen back in the 70s I was a “granola girl.” I ate fruits/vegetables/yogurt. It was “in” to be lean and fit. So I was and still am a “health nut.” I was going to be a nutritionist but ended up getting my master’s degree in English (Creative Writing).
3.  I understand you have written several other healing power books? The Healing Powers Book Series began back in 1999 when I penned The Healing Powers of Vinegar. The rest is history. Several years later, the book was a success. Olive oil, chocolate, and honey followed. Then came coffee, tea, superfoods, essential oils--is now available for pre-order for its December release. 
4.    Your book draws on interviews with medical doctors, beekeepers, and researchers about the positive effects of honey? Yes, I did go to the “experts” who know about how honey and honey bees…and they told me how this superfood which has been used since biblical times can heal via health improvements to home cures. Also, I met a  beekeeper and his queen Italian bees…and I spoke with beekeepers around the globe.  I interviewed the editor of Bee Culture Magazine (The Healing Powers of Honey received a positive review in the October issue) about trends of city hobbyist bee keepers to CCD—the mysterious vanishing and die-off of bees with an unknown cause. And I got to taste straight from the hive… honeycomb. A hexagon structure made from beeswax by honey bees to hold honey. 
5.    Tell us what makes honey so healthy? It’s got vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting antioxidants (molecules in superfoods like fruits/vegetables) that can stall Father Time and enhance the immune system and  keep our cells healthy.

6.    How many honey varieties are there? Hundreds…more than 300 in U.S. from different floral sources. I got up close and  intimate with more than 30…we’re talking different flavors from different sources.The darker varieties are the healthiest…a bit of a challenge for the palate: manuka to buckwheat---which are commonly used in health and honey studies. My faves are sage, wildflower, white honey from Hawaii, pumpkin, blackberry--and orange blossom. Once you taste the varietals there's no going back to one honey flavor. 
7.    Are there major differences between raw honey and the commercial varieties? Yes, raw is healthier but mass market varieties still have benefits, too.  The real, raw, unprocessed, unheated, unfiltered kind of honey that you get straight from the hive—honeycomb—is the real deal with the good for you antioxidants. Think pure ACV, quality dark cocoa. 
8.    What are some short-term health benefits of consuming honey? Home cures:I've turned to honey for sore throat, allergies, cough, cuts, anxiety, stress, fatigue, and it can even boost libido! What's more, manuka honey--found in Australia and New Zealand--is simply amazing for its healing perks. If you have a cut, like I did on my foot, it can heal it in days, thanks to honey's super amazing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits.
9.    You say honey can help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, increase longevity and even reduce boy fat and unwanted weight? Indeed… If you stay clear of the big diseases…you’ll up the odds of living longer. And honey can help stave off the major life-threatening diseases because of its different compounds. I show studies with humans (not just lab rats) in my honey book how it works to back up this fact.
10.   You say pure, raw, unprocessed honey is a healthier sweetener than table sugar and high fructose corn syrupYou get only empty nutrition with white table sugar…HFCS is controversial but I stay clear from it--found in fruit juice drinks to processed foods. Honey contains dozens of different substances (minerals, vitamins, antioxidants) which makes it more like a fruit than sugar. Sugar and HFCS are simpler compounds containing only glucose and fructose, honey is more of a “functional or superfood”—because of its compounds.
11. How many calories typically per teaspoon? 21--a dieter's dream. And just a spoonful will provide energy to get a move on and boost your metabolism as well as curb that sweet tooth so you're not tempted to overeat sweets that are laden with saturated fat, calories, and added sugar. 
12. How much Honey do you recommend people eat daily or weekly? 5 teaspoons/8 teaspoons women/men. (None for babies younger than one year old.) 
13. How can you use honey in your beauty routine? It’s used in DIY recipes/store bought beauty products/top-notch spa treatments. I use all types to help keep my hair and skin healthy. I was treated to a honey bath at a plush European-style hotel and the story is unforgettable. My skin felt so smooth.
14.   What kind of recipes are there in your book? Scrumptious recipes that'll wow you. The book was purchased by The Good Cook Book Club. Spa chefs/honey companies (big and small) provided many recipes including Honey Biscotti, Bee Breakfast Smoothie, Honey Poppy Seed Salad Dressing, Honey Glazed Hen, Honey Berries with Lime Pound Cake, and Sweet Potato Pie. Wholesome, down-to-earth ingredients are used--mostly from the Mediterranean diet--are used. I'm talking whole grains, nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables, dark chocolate, and olive oil as a primary fat.
 15. What easy ways can our listeners use honey in their everyday lives? Use a teaspoon of honey in tea/coffee daily and/or drizzle on fresh fruit or whole grain bread to get a double punch of antioxidants.
The Healing Powers of Honey (click link for more sweet info! Newsmax gift book!)Also, available at  online bookstores; now available in gift size mass market format and ebooks as well as paperback and audiobook.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Holiday Gift Book--The Healing Powers of Superfoods

 Surprising Superfoods 

Eggs, fish oil, butter, coconut oil . . . one minute they’re good for you and the next they’re not. Food fads make it tough to know what’s truly healthy. Eat it, don’t eat it. It helps, no wait, it doesn’t help.

Medical doctors and researchers are constantly making new discoveries about food that change conventional thinking.

With so much conflicting science, how do you know which foods really have incredible healing powers?

End the confusion once and for all
with The Healing Powers of Superfoods.

Written by Cal Orey, author of the bestselling Healing Powers of Honey, this blockbuster new book is based on the latest scientific studies showing dozens of surprising superfoods and juices you never knew could help you get healthy and stay healthy — even cheese, chocolate, and ice cream!

The Healing Powers of Superfoods reveals the NEW top 20 superfoods which are loaded with antioxidants, polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, and minerals and vitamins with powerful immune-boosting and disease-preventing properties.

If you want to outsmart heart disease, cognitive
decline, or even lung troubles without giving up
your favorite foods . . . this is the book for you.

Contrary to popular belief, superfoods aren’t just for health nuts. They’re for everyone who wants to enjoy a healthier heart, a stronger brain, clear lungs and sinuses, lower cholesterol, and reduced pain — as well as give the boot to colds and flu, soothe dry skin, feel more energized, and live longer.

One of the most important things you can do with the NEW Top 20 superfoods: Boost your immunity. A balanced immune system is essential to living a healthy life.

Inside this 316-page bible of superfoods you’ll discover the top 20 nutrient-dense foods that are delicious to eat and easy to find at your favorite supermarket. These new superfoods are many of the classic foods you love and they deliver big health benefits that can help you:

  • Boost your immune system
  • Support a healthy heart
  • Build strong bones
  • Strengthen your cognitive health
  • Maintain healthy blood sugar
  • Power up your energy
  • Fight fat
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower the risk of heart disease
  • Slow the aging process
  • Promote healthy vision
  • Ease anxiety and stress

If foods like acai, maca, or garlic come to mind when you hear the word “superfood,” you’re in for a surprise! While these superfoods are nutritionally dense and good for your health . . .

The Secret to a Long, Healthy Life
Is Sitting on Your Grocery Shelf

There are loads of other, lesser-known taste-tempting, belly-filling foods with the power to restore health, wellness, and energy to the body. There are even foods that have been on your plate all along — you just didn’t know they were nutrient-dense.

Take gelato and shellfish — once considered too fatty or too high in cholesterol and sodium, they’ve been determined to be good for you and they taste great. They’re today’s “new” superfoods! Shrimp alone have 17 grams of protein and almost one-third the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D — an important vitamin millions of people are lacking. You need all the “D” you can get for strong bones and teeth.

You know those potatoes you serve up as a side with a juicy steak or your favorite chicken dish? Surprise — they’re immunity-boosting powerhouses!

Not just fat-free and a great source of potassium for your heart health, these super spuds are also packed with vitamin A, a powerful immune booster. Medical researchers also believe this potato can boost white blood cell activity, which is key to warding off certain cancers.

All of the details you need about super taters — including some great ways to use them in recipes — are on page 104 of your FREE BOOK.

Guess what? A food doesn’t have to be
perfectly “clean” to be a superfood.

Think about how you enjoy that big bowl of decadent gelato. So creamy and smooth, yet this sweet treat has less fat and more natural ingredients than ice cream.

Add some of this yummy chocolate or any of the great mix-in suggestions on page 63 and it’s like you went to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard swirled with your favorite mix-ins — only better because it’s healthier!

Best of all when you start adding other nutrient-dense foods to superfoods, you instantly increase the health benefits. The Healing Powers of Superfoods gives you all kinds of ideas for blending and stacking superfoods for the healthiest options.

Now don’t give ice cream the boot, because
America’s favorite frozen delight not only builds
strong bones — it supercharges your brain.

Ice cream contains calcium for bone-building and protein for strong muscles and teeth. Know what else? Vanilla ice cream is good for the brain! When you get your FREE COPY of The Healing Powers of Superfoods, turn to page 63 to see the secret super mineral in vanilla ice cream that enhances brain function. Belgian researchers using MRI testing found ice cream even diminishes the brain’s response to sadness.

Do you like apples or peanut butter? They’re super delicious superfoods, too. Apples aren’t just great for weight loss, they lower your bad cholesterol (LDL), protecting against heart attack and stroke.

See page 28 of your FREE BOOK to see which apples pack the most powerful punch. Be sure to try the Super Heart Healthy Cinna-Apple Smoothie on page 29.

Do these look like SUPERFOODS to you?
Take a closer look.

When University of Scranton researcher Joe Vinson, Ph.D., was asked what foods he’d pick if he were stranded on a desert island for two weeks, he chose nuts, peanut butter, orange juice, and wine. Since wine is rich in resveratrol, it could help prevent blood clots from years of eating French fries and bacon.

Rather skip the wine? There’s a great juice alternative on page 141. This superjuice not only helps lower cholesterol but may reduce the risk of cancer, too. It’s all in The Healing Powers of Superfoods.

Eggs can keep you out of the cardiologist’s office, too.

Two studies of 40,000 men and women published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed eating eggs in moderation may be good for your heart. Scientists found absolutely NO LINK to heart disease in healthy test subjects who ate an egg every day. But . . .

You must know which part of the egg to eat for the biggest health benefit — and it’s not what you think or what you’ve been told. An “eggstrordinary” secret on page 55 will show you how to get the biggest bang for your heart health from eggs.

Surprising superfood of the year:
Lobster Mac and Cheese for weight loss!

You’re going to think, “This is too decadent to be good for me, right?” Nope! This amazing recipe uses a secret type of pasta studies show fills you up and slims you down. Parmesan swirled with a bit of butter, pasta, tomatoes, creamy half-and-half, fresh basil. Mmm, mouthwatering! Get the recipe on page 286 of your FREE BOOK! Hurry, get your FREE COPY while supplies last.

These superfoods could help halt everything
from heart disease, cancer, and
flu to obesity, anxiety, and depression.


Power up your immune system with this surprising breakfast food!

Turn to page 71 of your FREE BOOK to find out!


Eat pizza, beat heart disease.

See how on page 91.


Lower bad cholesterol with super chicken!

Turkey works, too. Try the moist and meaty Super Vitalizing Turkey Salad on page 100.


Breathe easier — eat tomatoes.

Got asthma? Tomatoes open up airways and detox the body. Page 213


Crunchy French Toast and Berries

Healthy never looked or tasted so good! Recipe on page 151 of your FREE BOOK.

During flu season or a major health crisis, it’s more critical than ever you feed your body superfoods to shield against invaders. The more superfoods you pile on your plate over the course of a day, the better.

And learning about which superfoods to eat doesn’t have to be difficult. Everything you need to know is inside The Healing Powers of Superfoods. Through this special offer, you can get a copy of this blockbuster book absolutely FREE! Click here to claim your FREE BOOK.

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s waiting for you inside of The Healing Powers of Superfoods:

  • Lower your risk of cancer and heart disease with pizza! Italian researchers found the secret in the sauce. Page 92
  • See cholesterol levels you can love at your next checkup. Eat more of this family favorite which also helps you stay trim and feel calm. Page 97
  • Lower your blood pressure, stave off colds and flu, AND lose weight with . . . potatoes? That’s right! Discover which 2 “super spuds” are best on page 104.
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease and power up your brain health with sweet, creamy, and crunchy Peanut Butter Fudge. Recipes on page 248
  • Flatten your belly and banish bloat fast with watermelon — a natural diuretic! Try the quick Melon Salad on page 135.
  • Tired, fatigued, and need energy? Eat this once-forbidden sweet treat turned superfood — it gives you the added benefit of boosting brain power. Page 63
  • Need a sweetener? Forget honey or brown sugar — reach for antioxidant-rich maple syrup! Studies show maple can enhance the immune system for fewer colds and flu. WAIT! You must use THIS maple syrup to reap the health benefits. Page 73
  • Avoid dental bills — keep your teeth and gums healthy with this vitamin C-packed fruit. Hint: it’s NOT oranges! Page 159
  • Calm anxiety and frayed nerves with this Thanksgiving favorite. It helps your body make mood-boosting serotonin. Page 97
  • Bounce back from jet lag! Drink a glass of water infused with this citrus and eat a handful of this superfood. You get a big energy boost from the carbs combined with magnesium and selenium. Page 198.

The Healing Powers of Superfoods is packed cover-to-cover with hundreds of ways to incorporate superfoods into your life to help you address whatever health issues you face: depression, dizziness, insomnia, kidney stones, blisters, UTIs, asthma, anemia, allergies, pain, and many others.

You get 50+ delicious, nutritious recipes for everything from Pesto Pizza, Dark Chocolate Gelato, and Cheesy Quiche to ricotta-rich Cannelloni steeped in garlic and herbs and Super Immunity Enhancing Chilled Sweet Potato Soup with Maple-Smoked Chili Sauce on page 105.

There are even thirst-quenching recipes for drinks and smoothies. Be sure to try the new twist on green drinks which tastes great! You can’t go wrong with sweet Honeycrisp apples blended with cinnamon, honey, and a touch of kale. Page 188.

PLUS, this treasure trove of healing
superfoods book also contains:

Lower your blood pressure — say CHEESE, please!

All this time you thought cheese was a no-no. Cheese is loaded with heart healthy calcium to help lower your blood pressure — and your risk of heart disease and stroke. Page 41

Wait until you try the gooey Cheese and Cranberry Dip on page 35.

A sensational blend of melted Brie, wine, garlic, and cranberries tempts your taste buds.

  • 50 home remedies you can zip together in your kitchen for everything from building strong immunity to dealing with gingivitis, heartburn, depression, constipation, kidney stones, infection, and other health concerns.
  • Top 10 “skinny superfoods” scientifically shown to fill you up, not out!
  • 5 simple rules for losing weight like a champ.
  • Perfectly pampering beautifying recipes for shiny, healthy hair, glowing skin, soft elbows and feet, and more. Super Beautifying Cantaloupe Smoothie, anyone? See page 224
  • Household helpers for cleaning stubborn rust, removing gum from carpets, and making your house smell fresh and clean.

Whether you want to up your health game, have committed to start eating healthier, already eat healthy and are seeking out the latest and greatest superfoods, or you want to go from bland and boring to tasty and delicious with all NEW recipes . . . The Healing Powers of Superfoods is for you!

This groundbreaking new book is also perfect for anyone who wants to benefit from healthier options in their life, whether cooking, cleaning, dieting, or beautifying. There’s something for everyone!

Claim your FREE COPY today. All we ask is that you pick up the small shipping and handling fee of $4.95. Wait, there are more things you’re going to love . . .